He was a Boy; She was a girl pt 1

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If someone said y/n was a complete and total control freak, that would be an understatement. And on one particular day, her need for perfection was amped up.
Baxter Radic, tall, handsome, bubblegum hair, and the birthday boy. And it was y/ns one mission to make today perfect for him.
Although it was his birthday, Baxter had zero expectations and was just going along with whatever his passion driven girlfriend had planned out probably months in advance.

"Good morning." She smiled as her sleepy boyfriend trudged from his room to the kitchen. She hopped up from her seat to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning love." He pulled her side into him with an arm around her waist as she kissed his cheek and turned to head back to her seat "Hey! Woah!"
She turned back around with a confused look. He puckered his lips and closed his eyes.
She scoffed and walked back over to kiss him on the lips quickly.
"Oh come on! That's all I get?" He asked as he opened his eyes to gaze down at her.
"I've got plans to finalize!"
"It's my birthday." He sassed in a matter of fact tone
"Fine. Because it's your birthday." She kissed him again but pushed her lips deeper onto his. He gripped her waist and pulled her chest flush against his as he continued to deeply kiss her. Before it could get too much for 9 in the morning, she pulled back and sat back down at her chair. She scrolled on her laptop before sighing in relief.
"I'm hungry." Baxter leaned on the counter across from her seated position and pouted.
"Well lucky for you we can go get whatever you'd like."
"Yes, anything. It's your birthday, Bax."

They hopped in the car and y/n forced him to sit passenger so she could drive him around.
"Are you excited for your birthday?" She asked as Baxter rolled the windows down.
"I think you're more excited than I am." He scoffed.
"Oh come on Bax! Why aren't you excited?"
"I dunno." He shrugged and looked at the scenery around them.
"Well I will make sure you have a good day." She placed her hand on his that was on the center console. He squeezed her hand back and smiled at her. He felt his heart twinge slightly. He couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing just yet.
The drive was short to the restaurant that Baxter wanted. And when they pulled in the lights inside the building seemed low.
"Are they even open?" He asked squinting.
Y/n drove up and looked at the door. There was a clearly handmade sign saying there had been an electrical issue and they were closed for the day.
"Damn. That sucks." Y/n sighed "anywhere else you want to go?"
He shook his head trying to think.
"No but I'd be happy if you made me one of your omelettes? The one with the peppers in it?" He rested his head on the seat giving her some big puppy eyes.
"Okay. Yeah I think I've got everything at my house if you want to go there." She suggested. Baxter nodded with a lazy smile. She felt a little sad that plan A didn't work out but she was okay knowing they were working on plan B.
When they arrived at y/ns house, the house was empty.
"Mom and dad must be at work." Y/n hummed to her boyfriend who was following her in.
"Good. House all to ourselves." He smirked pulling her back into his chest from behind her. She giggled as he buried his face in her neck delivering a quick kiss or two.
"Okay okay handsome. Do you want this omelette or not?"
"Yes maam I do." He mumbled into her hair.
"Then you have to let me go."
He did so begrudgingly and she started working on the meal. The omelette was perfect when she was done with it and she set it on a plain white plate.
"Orange juice?" She asked him as she stuck her head in the fridge.
"Yes please." He replied looking down at his meal.
She opened the juice to start pouring when the carton slipped out of her hand and splattered on the floor.
"You alright?" He asked coming over to help
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just can't keep anything together apparently." He knelt down to help her wipe up the juice from the floor. "No no no! Go eat! Your food is gonna get cold!"
"It's fine, love. No reason to get upset over spilled juice." He threw away the soiled napkins and washed his hands. Y/n sighed at the now empty carton of juice.
"Well I guess no juice then. How about a smoothie?"
"Sure. Strawberry?"
"I can do that."
She carefully made the smoothie and placed it in front of him. He snatched it right away and chugged it.
"Okay I take that as a good sign." She laughed.
When he finally pulled back from the smoothie he gasped for air.
"Oh my god I'm full." He groaned and leaned back.
"Successful breakfast then?" He just nodded and held his stomach.
"Where to next?" He asked getting up from the table. He picked up his plate but y/n took it from him.
"We are going to go on a hike. There's a beautiful trail up to a waterfall we haven't seen yet. Supposed to be perfect this time of year. And I thought we could take pictures."
"Sounds great." He kissed the top of her head as she wiped the plates in the sink.

They hopped in her car once again. Y/n turned on the GPS and followed it to the trail. Once they made it they looked for a sign on how to get there.
"Wait is it this trail?" He asked pointing to a familiar line she had looked at online.
"It says that waterfall is closed because it flooded."
"What? Are you kidding me? What is happening today?" She whined.
"It's alright. We can just do a trail we've done before. How about we do this one? It's got that pretty mountain ridge where we can take pictures."
"Yeah. Sure. Let's do that."
They settled for a hike they have done before and proceeded to walk on. Once they made it to the top mid day had hit and there was prime lighting. Both of their foreheads glistened with sweat. Baxters face had gone red but y/n still blushed at the sight of him.
"It's getting hot." He said wiping the sweat from his face with his shirt. His exposed stomach made y/n sweat worse than she already was.
"Uh huh... really hot." She mumbled looking away.
"Were you staring at my body?" He jokingly asked offended
"What? Me? Nooooo." She tried to play it off.
"Admit it! You were staring! Objectifying me!"
"I would never!"
Baxter jumped closer to her and attacked her with small short kisses.
"Say it! Say you were looking at my abs!"
"I would never admit to staring at your abs glistening in the sun from your pulled up shirt that shows off your massive biceps and toned traps!" He found her detailed explanation of his body amusing and released her from his grip.
"You really look at me like that?" He asked his smile still on his face.
"Of course I do." She was trying to steady her breath "You're literally so beautiful."
Another twinge in his heart. But this time he couldn't tell why it would be bad. He felt the smile on his face slowly lower.
"Come on let's take some pictures."

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