Be alright-Neville longbottom

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"You've found it Neville! The room of requirement." Hermione practically cheered.
We all walked around, taking long glances at the room around us.
"So this is where we will practice then?" I asked
"Yes. I think it's sorted." Harry agreed.

"Keep going Neville! You'll get it!"
"Expelliarmus!" Neville snapped but once again was flung backward at his own spell. Neville groaned and stood onto his feet again.
"I can help." I raises my hand.
"Oh yeah! Y/ns bloody brilliant with spells!" Ron complimented.
"Probably the best out of all of us, no offence Harry." Hermione laughed.
"None taken. I know she could beat me easily." Harry shook his head.
"Would you mind?" Neville asked.
"Not at all!" I walked up to him and pulled my wand out of my pocket. "So one easy way to help yourself is to stand like this..."

"There you go! See! You can do it!" I slapped his arm and he flinched. "Sorry, didn't mean to hit so hard."
"It's alright."
"But look! You did that!" I pointed to the wand on the ground.
"Feels good." He nodded.
"It should."
"I couldn't have done it without you though."
"Yeah you could. I just explained it to you in a way that made sense. Everyone learns differently. Just because you don't learn conventionally doesn't mean you aren't ever going to get something."
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
"No problem."

"Everyone is now subject to questioning about illicit activities."
Neville and I looked up trying to catch the words of stupid rules.
"Shit they are really cracking down, aren't they?" I asked
"Yeah, they are becoming tyrants."
"Well that's what we are here to stop. We just have to be careful. Don't tell anyone anything no matter what."
"I won't. Promise."
"I promise too."
"I'll see you later." I patted his bicep and ran off to my next class.
"Yeah. See you."

Third pov
Y/n and Neville both found themselves being pulled out of class at the same time.
They were brought into the same room and pushed into a line.
"Wait here." A goon sloshed and walked away.
"Next!" Umbridge shrieked. Y/n looked at Neville who was in front of her and gave him a sympathetic look. He reassured her with his eyes.
Not too long later he was pushed out of the office. He stumbled down the stairs and Y/n reached out for him but was pulled away by Draco and another student.
"Next!" She called again. Draco and the other student had grabbed her again and pulled her into the office.

Your pov
"So y/n, I hear you are quite the spell caster."
"Well I excelled in my charms class last year so I would say so."
"And what about defence against the dark arts?" She tilted her nose upward
"Is there a particular answer you are looking for?"
"I would cut the attitude out of your vocabulary before it gets you into trouble." I sighed and sat back in my chair. "So, tell me, what do you do after school?"
"What is there to do? You've banned everything."
She sucked in a breath and fluttered her lashes rapidly.
"Answer the question."
"After class I go back to my dorm and study."
"Are you sure?"
"Uh huh, I'm pretty sure. There's quite literally nothing else to do."
Umbridge picked up her pointer and walked closer to me. She leaned on her desk and looked down at me.
"I'm going to ask you this plain and simple since you seem to be... lacking... in the common senses. Have you been meeting with other students without permission to learn things outside of the curriculum?"
"Do you have any proof to even start to back your highly inappropriate interrogation? " I stated simply.
"That is none of your business."
"Well seeing as I'm sat in a chair, in the god awful pink room being stared at not only by your beady eyes but also those of a hundred cats, I'd say it is."
She let out a sharp gasp and slammed the back of her hand into my cheek. The end of her pointer grazed my lip, causing it to bleed.
"I hope you're prepared to stand by your attitude with your life." She leaned in
"I am." I also leaned in.
"Fine. We will see."
She released me and I walked out of the room and to find Neville. Both of our classes were over by now and I knew he'd be waiting for me.
"Neville!" I booked it for the boy who's back was facing me. He turned and pulled me into him.
"Hey you okay? Why are you bleeding? What did they say to you?"
"Nothing much. Just asked me if I was part of the group and I said I didn't know anything. And I'm okay, she just hit me."
"Good girl. Im glad you're okay." He pulled me into him again and sighed. "Come on, let's go."
We both snuck around until we got to the door that was starting to disappear.
We booked it to the door and threw it open. We closed it quickly and high fived each other while we caught our breath.
"You guys just made it."
"I think we got that." I pointed to the door that just zipped out of existence.
"How's your casting going Neville?"
"Good, im getting a lot better."
There was a crack in the wall and the ground began to shake.
"What's that?" I asked looking at Neville. He shrugged and looked around as well.
"The mirror!" Luna called as the glass started to crack and chip.
"Someone's breaking in." Harry added. Everyone stood defensive and watched as a hole started to crumble from the wall.
Harry and a younger boy took it upon themselves to peek. And I'm a second they were on the ground avoiding the destruction of the wall.
Umbridge and a couple others stood watching us and we knew we were over.
I shuffled closer to Neville and clasped his hand. He squeezed mine and whispered to me.

The next days where dismal. The skies were cloudy and it rained every so often. It was quiet in the school and everyone was studying for their OWLs. But we weren't sitting in a classroom for the OWLs, we were writing lines.
I groaned as another letter etched into my hand. I let out another tear and kept writing. I squirmed in my seat and the tear fell onto my paper smearing the ink.
"Times up." Umbridge squawked and we all slowly got up.
I trembled as I put my quill down and picked up my book. I whimpered as my hand grazed the back of my other hand. My eyes stung as more tears fell.
I walked out quietly and quickly not looking at anyone.
"Y/n." Neville reached for my shoulder which made me jump. "Sorry. Want a hug?" I just nodded and he grasped me tightly.
"You'll be alright. I promise you."
"It hurts so bad. It burns."
"I know. I know."
"Please make it stop."
Neville gently grabbed my hand and pressed his lips to my wound. His lips were softly brushed on, almost like it was air.
"Shh. It won't hurt in a little bit."
"How's yours?"
"Not as bad. I've had it before, hurts less the more you do it." He wiped a tear from my cheek and tried to cheer me up. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me."
"I will though."
He chuckled and led me to the dining hall for a quiet dinner.
I saw Neville staring at a picture from his pocket. I walked over and sat down.
"14 years ago a death eater, named Bellatrix Lestrange, used the Cruciatus curse on my parents for information. They never said anything." He was quiet and I placed my hand on his shoulder "I'm quite proud to be their son. But I don't think I'm ready for everyone to know yet."
"That's alright. You should be proud. And when you're ready, everyone will know you're proud. But it's your life, your past and your story, only you can tell it."
"Are you always so smart?"
"Not always. But I do have my days."
Neville rested himself on my shoulder and took some deep breaths.
"We will be alright." I nuzzled into him.
"We will." He agreed.

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