Corbin Reinhart x reader pt 2

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Requested by FelisaChandra
About a month later, Corbin asked me to be his girlfriend with all of the TFIL guys.
He did a whole video about it and all the guys helped set up a massive surprise thing.
I guess you could say Corbin liked to go big.
I sat in bed with him, seven months into our relationship and held hands as we watched a movie.
"Baby, it's cold. Can you hand me a blanket.
Corbin wrapped a blanket around himself and held his arms open.
I just sat there disappointed and he laughed.
"Come on! You said you wanted a blanket!"
"Yeah to myself." I sassed.
"Rude!" He said offended.
"I'm just kidding!"
I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He threw the ends of the blanket around me and cuddled into me.
"What do you think we will be doing in two years?" He asked as we both watched the movie  half heartedly.
"Probably married, I hope."
I said it. I said the m word.
I looked up at Corbin, expecting him to be shocked or embarrassed but he was smiling.
"Really? You wanna marry me?"
"If course I do!"
He smiled and seemed to nod in accomplishment.
I laughed at his silliness.
We ended up falling asleep not too long after that night.

Two years later...
"Baby look at this!" Corbin laughed as he handed me his phone.
"This was two years ago today! Remember when we were watching that movie and we were talking about the future? I found a picture of the blanket monster you made me."
I laughed as I saw the picture.
"That feels like so long ago."
"Because it was."
"It wasn't that long ago!"
"Feels like it." Corbin mumbled.
I smacked his arm and he laughed through an 'Ow'.
"You take that back right now!"
"Okay okay! I take it back!"
I humphed and crossed my arms.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.
"Baby, I was kidding. I love you so much." He laughed and kissed my face all over.
"Okay. I forgive you." I perked up.
"Come on. We are gonna be late. Apparently Elton has something for someone in the group."
"Oh joy, what will give us ptsd today?" I mocked.
We got into the car and drove to Eltons secret location.
I walked in front of Corbin and stood where Elton told us to.
I turned to say something to Corbin but he was gone.
"Corb? Corbin?" I started to get worried but soon was shocked by a bunch of people flipping down the street.
"What the hell?" I asked as I laughed.
I heard music start to play and I knew it was rude by magic.
If only Corbin was here to see this.
"This is our song." I sighed.
We danced to this song the night he asked me out because we had a running joke of how my dad didn't like Corbin in the beginning.
The mob of people got closer and soon started to circle me.
"What is happening?" I laughed.
People were doing flips and dancing to the music. Soon everyone lined up beside me making an aisle.
The song was just about to end when someone came flipping down a flight of stairs to me.
He landed it and turned to me. It was Corbin and he was wearing a suit.
He walked to me and got down on one knee as the song ended.
"I know, it's corny, but will you marry me?"
I teared up and said yes before my crying made my words inaudible.
"She said yes!" Corning's cheered and everyone around erupted into cheers.
It's absolutely crazy.

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