Youre a hale- Eli Hale

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Requested by unknownLDXxx
To say Eli had anxiety about shifting was an understatement. The boys palms sweat so much it almost made his claws come out easier. He would hyperventilate and if I didn't catch him most of the time he would be concussed from him passing out.

I constantly tried to tell him he would be okay and that it's a natural thing. Well... as natural as transforming into a werewolf can be.
Eli would roll his eyes and sigh. A complete menagerie of complaints and disdain followed very shortly after the sigh he let out. And I would severely underestimate the creativity of the placement of curse words within these complaints.
I could not lie and say that it wasn't impressive because it very much was. He was a master of the dirty English language.

"And my dad got on me again about this stupid family shit again! I can't do it anymore!"
"Come on Eli! You're going to be 16 soon! You're pretty much an adult! You can do it!"
"I'm sorry but I can't!" He leaned in close "I don't want to be a fucking werewolf okay? It's weird."
"Eli." I gasped. He had always despised being a werewolf but I never knew he was disgusted by it. "I know you're opposed to it. But you can't just ignore it. One day it's going to happen with or without your consent. You need to just accept this part of you. You're a hale. It's who you are. You know how many people would kill for what you have? Eli! You're LITERALLY magical."
I couldn't help but start to feel irritated by how much Eli complained about his ability. I would love to be supernatural in some way.
I saw him shake his head as he leaned behind the open locker door to cover his furrowed brows and crinkled face.
"Whatever." He mumbled as he slammed his locker shut.
"Eli-" I started trying to mend the rift that just formed between us
"Just drop it, okay?!!" He shouted as he walked away from me quickly. His head curled into his shoulders and his hands burrowed into his front pockets as he walked away.

Third pov
Eli was glad that he didn't have this class with y/n because he needed a break from her. He loved her but sometimes she got under his skin and made him really angry. When it came to the whole transforming thing he could never get a break. He got it from his dad and then when he got away from him he would be bombarded by y/n. He just wished for peace once in a while.

Eli sat at his desk in the back of the class glaring down at the very fake wooden desk tops. His hands white knuckled the edges of the desk and his breathing quickened. He tried to keep his panic at bay but he knew the anger and sadness of his fight with y/n made him uncontrollably shift. Eli felt his hands start to tingle with the slight pain of his nails growing. He felt his mouth become to small for his teeth and the hairs on his arms start to stand.
He was going to wolf out in the middle of class.
The buzzing of his senses heightening started to hurt his ears and block out all other sounds of life. His chest tightened and before he could topple over the edge and fully wolf out a loud blaring noise knocked him back.
The fire alarm had been pulled. He covered his ears with a loud groan and the class got up and rushed out.
Eli's senses had been clapped by the loud noise and he stumbled throughout the halls until someone grabbed him and pulled him to the side. It was dark in the room and quiet when the door closed.
"Eli! Get hold of yourself!"
"Y/n?" He panically asked with a groan, trying to focus to see her in the dark.
"Eli! Come on. You're going to wolf out."
"No!" He protested still disoriented.
"Eli you have to go with it. If you freak out now it'll make it worse."
"No no! I can't! Not right now! Not in front of you!"
"Eli. If you had to wolf out in front of anyone it should be me."
"Please leave!" Eli shouted
"No, you need help Eli."
He stepped back a couple times but he crashed into some music equipment and tripped.

Your pov
I knelt down and cupped his face in my hands. His skin was warm and I could feel his breath on my palms. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes as they shifted from blue to a sharp yellow. He tore his gaze from mine and his breath hitched
"It's okay Eli. Look at me." He didn't respond "Look at me." I shook his face slightly.
He shot his gaze back at me and I nodded to him
"We are going to do this. Together. And nothing can make me turn away from you."
I held his hand in mine and helped him breathe. His heart rate faltered and then dropped quickly.
"Take a breath." I commanded and he followed.
His eyes flickered and then stuck to the bright yellow. His teeth grew long and sharp along with his nails. He emitted a low growl from the back of his throat as the hair started to form on his face.
Eli closed his eyes tight and squeezed my hand. I felt the growing claws dig into my skin but I didn't say anything. This was about him.
After he felt his body stop shifting he opened his eyes.
"So... how do I look?"
I smiled down at him and sighed.
"You look like you."
Eli chuckled slightly and squeezed my hand again. His brows furrowed and he glanced down.
"Y/n! You're bleeding!"
"It's-it's okay. I'm fine! Let's just get you through this first, okay?"
He glared at me with worried eyes but i shooed away the thought and focused on him.
"So how does it feel? You feeling alright?"
"I feel fine. Just a little different."
"Your dad is going to be so happy for you." I smiled and cupped his face with my hand.
He closed his eyes again and rested his warm face on my hand.
"I love you Eli. No matter what." I whispered. He kissed the palm of the hand that was holding his face and sighed.
"I think I'm going to be okay."
"You most definitely will be."

It had been about 15 minutes since Eli had calmed down and he felt himself slowly morph back.
I sat down next to him on the floor quietly as he propped his arms on his legs.
"I'm sorry y/n." He mumbled
"For what?"
"For getting mad at you. And for pushing you away. You've never given me a reason to not trust you. You've always been there when I call. And I never gave you respect for that."
"It's okay." I nodded my head and clasped my hand over the dripping wound
"No it's not. It's not okay. Just like that." He pointed to my hand. "We need to fix this."
Eli shifted and kneeled in front of me. He took off his flannel and wrapped it around my hand.
"We should get you to the nurse." He added after cinching the shirt.
I nodded and he helped me stand up. We walked to the nurse and concocted a lie before we got there.

"There you are sweetie.  You should be alright now."
"Thank you." I looked down at my hand which was now wrapped with bandages and  looked sad.
"My dads gonna kill me." Eli huffed and shook his head.
"I will talk to him. He loves me. He'll let you off the hook if I say so."
"You're such a little manipulator." Eli laughed
"I learned from the best." I shrugged
"Who?" Eli looked behind him and then pointed to himself in shock. "Me? Noooo."
I threw his flannel back at him with a laugh and hopped up from the table.
"Come on. Let's skip for the rest of the day."

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