We're quite different-Neville Longbottom

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"Neville you're pure blood right?" I asked looking up from my book. He glanced at me from his homework and nodded
"Yes, why?"
"Just curious. Every pure blood I've met has seemed so snobbish about it except for you. And the weasleys but they are... something else."
"Well it doesn't help that the only other reference you have is Draco Malfoy." I chuckled at his scowl and agreed.
"Did you grow up with anything muggle like?"
He shook his head.
"My grandma was magic born too and you know how she was about it, so it's safe to say I was deep into the world of magic."
"How about you? I know you're muggle born, what's that like?"
I shrugged and looked into the distance trying to grasp a way to describe that he'd understand.
"It was boring. Definitely not as fun as this. My parents were heavy on my grades and my success. Kinda like your grandma with your magic abilities."
"What did you do for fun?"
"Played outside, watched movies, played video games."
"Video games?"
"Right... I forget you guys don't have modern technology. Um... video games are like... books, fantasy books but you use things to control the characters and make them do what you like. There are certain types like fighting games, story telling games, building games and other things. They are on screens. Kinda like the moving paintings but you use this thing called a controller to move them around."
"Cool. And movies?"
"Like the moving paintings as well, but they are more like plays. You just watch them."
"Wow, I wish I could know more about what your life was like."
"Well I would get Ben and Jerrys, some smarties and a book on the weekends and sit on the porch."
"What's Ben and Jerrys?"
"A brand of ice cream."
"Any good?"
"Of course it's good!"
"We should go get some."
"We can't right now."
"Why not?"
"We'd have to go into muggle land for that." I wiggled my fingers in his direction for dramatic effect.
"Oh come off it." He scoffed and shoved my hands down. "You know I'm not like that."
"I know I know. Just messing with you."
"Next time we get the chance, you should take me to where you'd visit. I want to know more."
"Okay. I will."

"Come on Neville!"
"I'm coming!" He jogged and caught up with me "How do you not stop to look at everything?"
"I've seen it my entire life." I giggled
"Everything is so exciting."
"Overwhelming more like."
"It's all so magical!"
"Says the kid who comes from wands, brooms and house elves." I snorted
I pulled him into the end of the store and to the fridge wall. I scanned till i found the right ice cream and sighed in content.
"Perfect." I turned to him and presented the tub "I give you, Ben and jerrys."
"Interesting!" He smiled.
"Oh I'm going to get you addicted."

"That was so good. I'm so full." Neville groaned and rubbed his stomach
"I told you it would be easy to eat the whole thing. It's alright. We are just going to lay here and watch a movie anyway."
"A movie?" He asked sitting up
I nodded and walked up to the tv. I turned it on with the remote and placed the CD into the player.
The screen flashed with the movies opening screen and Neville stood.
Two characters faces appeared on screen and Neville smiled
"Hi guys!" Neville greeted.
"Oh they can't hear you. They aren't real. It's like a photo."
"Oh. Then how are they moving?"
"It's a recording. Like how cameras record the moment in time with a photo, these are like recording minutes, even hours."
"Wow. How?"
"I have no clue. That is not my field of expertise."
I sat back and cuddled into Neville's side.
"This is so interesting."
I just stared in amusement as Neville gawked at the screen.
"It's so interesting." I laughed.
"What is?" He turned to me.
"Just how different we are. I mean I could go on and on about how cool magic is and I show you one movie and it's like you're stunned."
"Well this is arguably cooler."
"I don't think so."
"So are there movies about like... plants?"
"Oh boy are there."
"Shut up no way!"
"Yeah they'd most likely be documentaries or educational videos but yeah. Tons."
"Do you have any?"
"No but I could find one."
"The library probably."
"You guys have a library for movies?" He was even more appalled
"Yes and no. Movie stores hold movies but there are some libraries that have DVD sections."
"This world is so cool."
"Come on you dork let's go see what they have. There's a library close to my house."
We show up to the library and Neville is staring at a computer.
"What's that?" Neville whispered to me
"A computer." I whispered back.
"What does it do?"
I shrugged "a lot I guess. These ones specfically can help us find the movies we are looking for. It holds a database of everything in here and tells us what they have and if they have it." I walked up to the computer and typed in a few key words.
"They have... trees, potted plants, the weeping willow, how to care for your house plants and survival guides:plants edition."
"Wow. How does it know?"
"Again. Don't ask me. I don't know."
We checked out a movie on plants and walked back to my house. I put the DVD in the player and started it.
"I'm going to go shower if you want to sit and watch."
"Okay." Neville was not paying attention to me. He was glued to the tv
"Huh. I guess this is how parents feel when their kids start watching tv. Should I be worried?" I questioned
After my shower, the film was over so I walked out to take the DVD out.
"This is all so much. How will I ever go back? I can no longer enjoy books the same." Neville was having an overload.
"Okay we need to relax you. You've had too much stimulation for one day." I turned the tv off and placed a book in his hands.

The sun had set and Neville and I laid down to go to bed.
"Your parents are cool with us sharing?"
"My parents are away for the week so it's just us." I shrugged.
"Fine with me."
My parents trusted Neville. They also knew he was too sweet and pure to try anything. Neville got so panicked after our first kiss he had a nose bleed so they knew it was okay.
I cuddled in close to him and he sighed and kissed my head.
"I can see the pictures behind my eyelids." Neville mumbled
"God Neville you're gonna be addicted."
"How are you not?"
"Because this is my life."
"We're quite different... you and I."
"I like that though. We will always surprise each other."
"I like that too. And I love you."
"I love you too."

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