Chapter 11: How We Met Stories

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Lauryn's POV:

We all keep looking at each other and I'm trying so hard not to die from the awkward silence. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I see that Yugy texted me. I look at him and he mouths 'look at the message'. I cough to hide my smile and see what he sent me.

To: Me
From: Sexy Dancer 🤪🥴🕺🏻💚

Can you ask if she is purposely avoiding me 😅? I would do it but I feel like that is too forward.

From: Me
To: Sexy Dancer 🤪🥴🕺🏻💚

Did you change your contact name the last time I saw you 🙄? Whatever. Dude just start the conversation with her and stop being 🐱!

He rolls his eyes then taps Austin. Austin checks the message from Yugy and starts cracking up. Suddenly my phone buzzes again.

To: Me
From: Texas Boy 🥵🐶❤💦

They are literally texting us about the other person when they could be texting each other 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️.....

From: Me
To: Texas Boy 🥵🐶❤💦

Follow my lead 🥴😘

He winks at me then I take the plan in to action.

Kamryn's POV:

My phone buzzes and I see that I have been added to a groupchat by Lauryn. I look her suspiciously but she doesn't look back.

LJ: What was your question again?
YG: Who is in this chat 🤔🤔?
LJ: Just ask the question you wanted to ask damn 🤦🏽‍♀️
YG: Is Kammy avoiding me? Did you ask her for me? I don't want to ask because I might upset her 🥺...
LJ: See? That wasn't hard 😏
*this number can no longer respond*
YG: wtf...
ACM: Now what was your question Pengy?
KL: I asked why Yugy hasn't talked to me yet? But I thought we discussed this already... why does this feel like a set up 😅😅???
ACM: 👁👄👁
*this number can no longer respond*
YG: these bastards....
KL: hi... sorry for not asking you myself 😅...
YG: Same here 🤦🏻‍♂️... we might as well just talk to each other now that the misunderstandings are fixed
KL: I'm down 😊

*The Next Day*

I wake up and trip over long legs but instead of the ground I feel a soft, firm, and warm surface."If you wanted to feel me up you could have just asked instead of falling on me" A very attractive morning voice catches me off guard. I roll off and see Yugy smirking at me with his eyes still closed."How was I supposed to know your tall ass would be in my room? Why are you in here anyways?" I ask glancing at his shirtless body a little."The couple was up pretty late and I couldn't sleep so I tried to see if you were awake. I ended up knocking out on the floor because you looked way too adorable to disturb" He gushes and I hide my face from embarrassment."I have to go practice for my video shoot today. Are you going to wait for the couple or would you like to join me?" I get up and walk to the bathroom with a thumbs up towards him. He nods then goes to the bathroom in his room. Shortly after we get ready I noticed that Austin is up but half awake carrying a half knocked out Lauryn in his arms."You guys can sleep some more if you want, it's just practice until noon" Yugy explains but Lauryn refuses."Aniyo, dangsin-eun bang-geum dochaghaessseubnida! (No, you just arrived!)I can wake up for my brother just give me my music first" I look at her in amazement."Hangug-eoga hyangsangdoeeossseubnida. naneun jalang seuleobda!(Your Korean language has improved. I am proud!)" Yugy applauds her as she takes a bow."You guys have history I see" I say getting a little jealous."Before I decided to go to college I took a trip to South Korea and this guy saved my stupid self. We've been close since then" Lauryn explains."I met him in high school. We were enemies but then I got to know him and developed a bro crush" Austin suddenly confesses. I snicker and Yugy just tells him not to tell everyone about that."Let's treat the boys to breakfast" Lauryn and I start pushing the two protesting boys out of the house."So how did yall become the trio you are today?" I ask and Austin looks down with guilt all over his face.

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