Old and New Opportunities

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Lauryn's POV:

As soon as the bell for the end of the day rings, I flash out of that classroom and head out to a secluded hallway to change for work. As I'm about to change my shirt I hear a voice I've been dreading for a while now. "Damn Lauryn I didn't know you looked like that under those baggy shirts you wear" Joshua's best friend, Yaishawn says looking me up and down. I put the rest of my shirt down and roll my eyes at him. " What do you want Shawn?" I ask annoyed by his presence. "You sure you want me to answer that truthfully sweetheart?" he asks then bites his lip. I snap him out of his thoughts and he smirks. "Better question, WHY are you here?" I ask sassily. He just looks me up and down again then shakes his head. "I came to take you to work" he says smiling. God this guy can still affect me by smiling but it's nothing like Austin's though... why did that just pop in my head?! "Where's Josh at?" I ask him and he just shrugs and continues walking towards his car. I groan then get in the backseat. "You could sit up here with me sweetheart" he says trying to sound like we are on good terms or something. "I have to finish getting ready and stop calling me sweetheart" I say glaring at him. "Alright just trying to make conversation with a friend" he responds quietly thinking I wouldn't hear him. "Ohh now we're friends? I had no idea you know considering you fucking dropped me. Or did you forget about that?" I respond sarcastically then roll my eyes and continue getting dressed. "Look I'm sorry I did that ok? She saw you as a threat and when I feel for someone, I let go of others" he says sadly. "Well a true friend would've warned me ahead of time so that I knew what I was to expect" I say trying to ignore the tear that is about to slide down my cheek. He's about to say something else but he shuts his mouth and continues driving while the radio plays softly. "Don't wanna know
If you're looking into her eyes
If she's holdin onto you so tight the way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame... We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore, like we used to do..." I sing quietly then hum the rest of the chorus. "So you can sing" He says smirking. I just blush and look at the window again. That was the first time he actually heard me sing out loud. "No need to blush sweetheart, you sound great but I'm guessing you can do WAYYY better right?" He asks smiling at me through the rear view mirror. I smile down at my lap and tell him to pay attention to the road. We shortly arrive at the restaurant and I hop out of the car. "Uh thanks for the ride" I say awkwardly. "No problem but before you go there's three things" he says waving me back to him. I walk over then nod for him to continue. "First thing, Josh said he gotta handle some business  and will be gone for a few days so I'll come pick you up and take you to my place unless one of your friend's let you send the night. Two, make sure to text me 15 minutes before your shift is over so I'm not late; I dont like you out here by yourself..." my heart swells slightly when he says this but I ignore it. "Ok and the third thing?" I ask him and he looks sad now. He then leans out of the window and kisses my cheek gently. "I miss you..." he whispered looking in my eyes then leaned back. I stand there for a minute then lean in and kiss the corner of his lips. "I... I miss you too Shawn but you know what happened hasn't changed" I say quietly before speed walking to the restaurant. "Who was that boo?" Kamryn says suspiciously. "You would hate me if I told you..." I say quietly then walking over to my section. She thinks for a moment then gasps. "Girl you didn't 🙄..." I just sigh and rub my temples. "Wanna explain what happened when break starts?" She asks. I nod and we walk to our sections. "I thought Josh kidnapped you, I was ready to hunt his ass down!" Melody exclaimed snatching me into a hug. I laugh at the tiny girl's temper. "You know I couldn't leave you babygirl, sorry I'm late. Josh couldn't make it so he sent GLASSES of ALL people to drop me off and things got... complicated" I glare at the dishes in front of me thinking about what just happened. She rolls her eyes and breathes out. "I hope that Texas boy can help you get GLASSES out of your mind 'cause his affect on you after all this time is not healthy" Kamryn nods in a agreement and I sigh disappointedly. I know he's just going to hurt me in the end so why does part of me want to see if we could actually happen? "Wait who is this Texas boy you speak of?" Kamryn asks. My eyes widen and I jump at Melody to shut her up but I'm too late. She explains everything about him and I to Kamryn and I just ignore the fangirls. "Damn you get more action then me and you are the gay one of the group" she says shocked. I hit her arm shouting "I AM NOT!" Then gasp at her accusations. "I love you Lauryn but we all know that if you had to choose, you would be team pussy all day" Melo says shrugging. Kamryn falls over in laughter as I blush furiously.

Alley Girl- Austin Mahone love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora