Chapter 9: Birthday Shopping and Date Surprises

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Lauryn's POV:

"Babyyy get uppp!" This boy has one more time to call me before I get up to punch his lights out."Austin I am warning you now shut the hell up" He mutters under his breath but gets up sighing dramatically."I guess I'll get breakfast and Birthday shop by myself, all alone" I punch my pillow a few times then roll out of bed."Breakfast where?" He smiles and pecks my lips."Anywhere the soon to be Birthday girl wants of course! Even a bakery" he says the last part hesitantly but I don't care. I race to the bathroom and strip down basically diving into the shower.

*30 minutes later*

I come out the bathroom with a matching set of baby blue bra and panties which I hear a gasp from far."I didn't know it was my Birthday" Austin said strolling over to me licking his lips."Uh uh help me take these out" He jumps back like a cat sprayed with water when I pull some scissors out."Stop being a child and grab a pair, it is time to redo this hair" I shake my head at the tiger eyed boy when he gets hype because I rhymed."Cut my hair and I will cut your nipples off" I threaten and he gulps nodding. He almost gave me a heart attack a few times but we got my braids out without any hair being cut."So this is you in your natural state? I love it babe! You should keep it like this" I started laughing and he stares at me."You're serious? I can't leave my hair like this for my Birthday hun" He keeps pouting at me and I groan giving in."I will keep it like this for now but AFTER THAT I am going to the salon!" He spins me and tells me that I won't regret my decision. I wave him off pretending I am not loving every second of him being excited."Don't think you will be pulling on this hair because you can get beat up" I walk back to the bathroom to wash this mess of hair my dude is forcing me to show. After 15 minutes I leave it wet and put some leave in conditioner in it then get dressed for the day."How do I look?" I ask feeling insecure suddenly. Austin walks over and give me a kiss so deep that I can fall out right then and there."You look better everytime I see you my love" I blush furiously and push him away."Can we eat now? My stomach is angry" he laughs at me then we head out.

Austin's POV:

Eventually we arrive at the mall and Lauryn instantly drags me to some stores."Why are we at the store when you are ordering your outfits online?" I ask wanting to leave already. She glares at me and continues to look around."These prices are ridiculous" she exits the store shuffling to a figurine one."Anything in particular that you want?" She sighs glancing at a couple of things a few times before leaving. I chase her down asking what was wrong and she ignores me. I pull her towards me then toss her over my shoulder."Boy put me down" she scolds me but I keep walking."I can't afford all that stuff right now and it sucks ok? I know I shouldn't worry about it because this is for my Birthday but still. I don't like owing people so I don't accept gifts" Hearing that hurt my heart and now I am even more determined to keep my promise."If anyone owes anything, it is me baby. I owe you so much; I can't even describe how grateful I am for you" She blushes instantly but has a look of disappointment pass by her face."Thanks Austin, lets go" I want to ignore the look she had but I can't. I don't want to ask her about it either because I know she will catch an attitude so I leave it alone. We head over to the hair salon and Lauryn tells me to go sit down."Hi! Can you give me a Birthday look?" The hair dresser asks what look is she going for exactly but Lauryn just looks at me and smiles. I take that as my cue to go so I don't ruin the surprise and to get my secret present for her. I shuffle right back to the figurine store and look around for the ones she was staring at."Hello ma'am, can I purchase the Princess and The Frog and the Beauty and The Beast Figurine Collections please?" The older lady smiles and wraps them up for me all pretty then tells me the price all together."Is this for your girlfriend?" she asks me and I can't help but blush when I think of Lauryn."Not officially but I'm hoping to change that soon. Her birthday is coming up so I want to ask her there" I explain and the cashier smiles sweetly."This is what I like to see! I am so glad that not all boys in these newer generations are just chasing ass" I choke on my saliva when she says that and she winks at me."Have a good one young man! Be sure to come back and let me know how her birthday turns out okay?" I nod politely unable to speak after that chasing ass comment she made. After the figurine store I decide to spoil my girl and get 4 more things. I put all of her gifts in the biggest bag then zoom out to the car. She texts me that she is ready so I head back in to the mall to meet her at the hair salon.

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