Chapter 19: Kammy's Birthday

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Mel's POV:

We got caught in the rain so we ordered in. "Lauryn might kill us for this," Kammy says worried about our short tempered friend. "Well my hands work so she'll be fine. This is all for her anyway" I start practicing my swings as Yugyeom laughs. "그녀는 정말 미쳤어요 (She's really crazy)" I pause to look at him. "Remember that pretty boy" I wink and now he is looking nervously. "I wonder how they are doing over there," Jamen says, playing with his food. "We've been in the other room for hours. I think we could check on them at least" Kammy suggests and we follow her out. Jamen swipes the key card then gently opens the door. "귀여워! (So cute!) Yugyeom whisper shouts so we step inside and melt at the sight. Austin and Lauryn are curled up into each other knocked out. He is holding her like she might disappear into thin air. "Sleepover in my room it is" Jamen struts out and we snicker. 

Austin's POV:

The next morning I roll over and start freaking out when I don't feel Lauryn there. I fumble around putting clothes on when the door opened. "I brought breakfast! Why are you crying?" She asks with her hazel eyes lighting up in concern. "I thought- let's just eat. I'm fine" I kiss her forehead then go get utensils and syrup. She looks at me with sad eyes and grabs my arm. "Don't you think we should talk about what happened? The apology was genuine but the emotions that took place were pretty drastic" I sniffled then nod agreeing to talk. "Tell me everything. I am always the one who rants and stuff but you shut pain out. It's not healthy or fair to yourself if you keep doing that hun" She wipes my eyes and waits for me to speak. "When you left, I didn't think it was because of the argument. I thought I had finally scared you off by how fast I was going with everything. One minute we are living together and having sex then I'm asking you to be my fiancee after a few months. You make me want to do more and give you more" I look over at her and see a look I have never seen from her before. "If  I felt that way, I wouldn't have said yes to any of this hun. Honestly speaking, I only got pissed about the fight because I was scared for you. Shawn and his squad don't ever fight fair. Plus my ex was a fighter and with the childhood I had, fighters kind of scare me" I mentally smack myself for not realizing that sooner. "It didn't help hearing lies about the fight" She rolls her eyes then turns to face me completely. "Now that we have our vows written, let's look at them every time there's a disagreement okay?" I lean forward and kiss her soft lips for confirmation. "You ready to get our tickets home yet?" I ask but she shakes her head. "Let's celebrate Kammy's birthday here since Yugyeom isn't going back with us" I can't believe I was able to fall for someone like her. I would marry her now if she let me. "That is a wonderful idea. Let's call Yugyeom to help him plan it out" She fist bumps me then devours her French toast. "I love my hungry baby" I pinch her cheek and she bites me. "Don't threaten me with a good time now" I smirk then start eating as well. 

Yugyeom's POV: 

I feel bad about not being there for Kammy's birthday but she dismissed me. "I would never keep you away from work and you know this. I will see you after my birthday so don't worry about it" she smiles at me reassuringly but I'm not convinced. "I can reschedule. Just say the word and I will make the call" I say. "Gummy Bear, you know that if you postpone your schedule now your manager will just keep you from vacation time even longer. Just go and get back to me soon" she kisses my cheek then goes to Mel's section of the room. My phone buzzes so I unlock it to see the message.

To: Me
From: Honey Voice Sissy 🥰💚👑

Yo come over, we gotta talk. 

To: Me
From: Honey Voice Sissy 🥰💚👑

빨리요 그리고 혼자 오세요 (Hurry up and come alone)

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