"How do I get adoption papers?" Bruce asked tony. "Here I'll show you." Tony said. After they spent the next few days getting the paper together Bruce was nervous about asking her when they met that saturday. "Chill out Bruce. I'm sure this girl will say yes." Tony said. "Yeah you're probably right." Bruce said as they walked out to the living room.

Bruce looked down at his watch. "I've got to go. It's almost 2 o'clock." Bruce said. "Bye." They all said. Bruce walked out of the tower and drove over to her foster moms house. He texted Luna saying he was outside. He waited 5 minutes before she came out and waved her foster mom goodbye. "Hey Dad." She said. "I mean Bruce." She corrected. Bruce gave her a look.

"How many times do I have to tell you it's ok to call me dad." Bruce scolded. "I know but it's still weird because, no offense, you're not my dad." She said. Bruce sighed and drove off. He took her to her favorite resturant, her favorite ice cream shop, and now her favorite spot. It was a place they discovered one day while they were wandering around in the woods after she had froze time. 

It was a small ledge over a clearing that gave them the perfect view of the city. They sometimes would watch the sunset. "You know Bruce ever since I met you I've felt like life had purpose you know." Luna said. "Like how?" Bruce asked. "Like before I met you I was always the poor orphan girl with no purpose and I was always a burden to my foster families. I ran away because I felt that I didn't need anyone.  But now I feel...I feel..." She trailed off.

"Loved?" Bruce finished. "Yeah." Luna said. "Well since I met you I haven't been as scared of myself as I used to be. I feel like your my purpose like I need to give you the life you deserve that I couldn't have." Bruce started. He looked at her. "Luna." He said. "Yeah Dad?" She asked. "I've been thinking alot about this and I've talked to everyone I need to talk to and I was wondering..." He started.

"What?" Luna asked getting worried. "Would it be okay if I adopted you?" He asked. Luna started tearing up. "Like you mean we'd be a real family? You'd be my dad and I-I'd be your daughter?" She asked standing up. He nodded and stood up too. "You'd love me and take care of me and threaten boys who ask me out and check my homework and ground me when I'm in trouble?" She asked. He nodded. "Yeah." Bruce said

She ran and gave him a hug. "Of course. I would love for you to be my dad." She said. He smiled and kissed her forehead. They stayed like that for a few minutes. "So what do I need to do?" She asked. "When we get to the car I need you to sign a paper and you'll officially be Luna Banner." He said. When they got to the car they signed the papers and drove them to the judge when he leagalized it. "Where am I gonna live?" Luna asked. "With me at the tower." Bruce said.

"And your friends are ok with this?" Luna asked skeptically. "They better be." Bruce said. "When do I move in?" She asked excitedly. "As soon as we finish your room." He said. She was excited the whole time and he dropped her off and headed back to the tower. When he got back everyone was in the living room waiting for him. "So?" Bucky asked noticing hime come back.

"She said yes." He said excitedly. "Aw bruce we're happy for you." Tony said. "I cannot wait to meet this young maiden." Thor boomed. "I can." Bruce muttered. It took him about a week and a half after the adoption was ready but he finally finished her room. It was painted half a sky blue half midnight blue and the dark blue half was decorated like the night time in a field and the light half was decorated like day time in a field.

They both met in the middle with the moon and the sun fading together. She had a desk with drawing supplies because he remembers how much she liked to draw, she had a king sized bed with light and dark blue sheets, she had a bean bag chair, and a bunch of books, and a flat screen TV. Bruce even cleared half of his lab for her to be able to work in. 

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