Later on Cal gets a phone call from Isaac "Cal they've woken up Stiles is on his way home now." "Thanks Isaac." Cal walks into the living room where he sees Lou talking to Ethan with a jar of pickles on her lap. He walks in and sits on Ethan "Stiles is on his way back." he tells Ethan making him nod. He turns to Lou "I thought you hated pickles. You called them the devil's creation." Cal tells her. "I don't know. Cravings probably." she tells him with a shrug. Cal feels Ethan's phone vibrate with a text. Ethan frowns at his phone "Aiden and Kali are going after Derek. We need to go to him now." Ethan says. Cal nods "Lou I want you to stay here where its safe." he tells her. "Promise. Just be careful." Lou says. "I promise too. Both of us do. Also I'll pick up more pickles, chocolate ice cream and bacon on the way back." Cal responds. "Ooh can you get me some mashed potatoes and caramel sauce aswell?" Cal nods chuckling as he puts his shoes on and walks out to Ethan's bike. "I've texted Lydia to meet us there." Ethan tells Cal as Cal gets on the bike. Cal nods "Let's go."

Ethan, Cal and Lydia walk into Derek's loft and Ethan looks at him

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Ethan, Cal and Lydia walk into Derek's loft and Ethan looks at him. "They know about the lunar eclipse so don't think Kali's going to sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming. And my
brother's coming with her." Ethan explains. "Good enough for me. Derek, let's get you out of here." Peter tells his Nephew. "You want me to run?" Derek asks. "No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an Alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course, I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town." Peter retorts. Derek looks to Cora. "If you want to fight and die for something, fine with me. But do it for something meaningful." she tells him. "How do you know I'm going to lose?" Derek asks. "We don't. But I bet she has an idea. Don't you, Lydia?" Peter asks Lydia. "I don't know anything." she tells him. "But you feel something, don't you?" Peter tells her making her hesitate but slowly nod. "What do you feel?" Derek asks her. "I feel like... like I'm standing in a graveyard." Cal looks at Derek "Go well hold them off." he tells him. Derek smiles at the younger boy "Cora come with me." he says patting Cal as he walks past. Peter looks at Cal "You sure you can do it. It is your first full moon." he asks. "Yeah I'm all good. Deaton explained it to us, because Ethan is my mate I have full control because he does." Peter nods "Good luck." he says giving the Youngest Stilinski a hug. "Same to you." Cal says making Peter ruffle his hair.

Soon after the three Hale's left Kali arrives with Aiden behind her, she turns her glare to Cal, Ethan and Lydia. "Where is he?" she growls. "I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping. Run a few errands. The usual werewolf afternoon." Cal says with a smirk. "Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali asks. "Someone desperately in need of a pedicure? I'd be happy to give you a referral." Lydia retorts making Cal chuckle. Approaching Lydia, Kali's eyes begin to glow, Cal moves Lydia slightly behind him, but Kali stops at the sound of a growl from behind her. She turns to see Aiden looking on her with palpable threat. "Oh really?" Clawed feet ticking across the cement floor, Kali slowly circles Aiden as Cal, Lydia and Ethan look on. "Did somebody take their little assignment too seriously? Same as your brother." she asks him. "She's not the problem. Neither is Cal." Aiden argues. "Maybe the problem is where your loyalties lie." Kali retorts. Lydia looks at Ethan and holds Cal's hand. "Oh God, is this about to get really violent?" she asks the pair. "Probably." they say in unison. Suddenly the skylight above shatters startling all of them. A body falls to the floor but lands solidly on two feet. Rising amid the shards of still-falling glass, Jennifer looks at Kali and the twins with hatred in her eyes. "So... who wants to be first?" she asks making Kali charge forward to fight her. The claws on Kali's feet slash through the air in one roundhouse kick after another but none land on an impossibly fast Jennifer. Ethan and Aiden race to each other to connect, but Jennifer pulls them apart. Enduring a whirlwind of blows from each twin, she manages to keep them from conjoining, sending Ethan and then Aiden into the walls. Lydia ducks under the debris and flying bodies trying to keep out of the fight as Cal races forward roaring. He swipes at her but she dodges and grabs his arm breaking it. She then pushes him making him fly into one of the pillars.

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