L- last call

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Hey everyone!!

This is the last proper chapter, will probably post all of the endings tomorrow which will conclude the story.

Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoy!

-L.T. May

(Y/n) pulled the hood further over her head, she was at the bus stop awaiting the coach that would come and take her to the start of her new life.

It was due in just over fifteen minutes, she was well aware that she was early but she could hardly wait for much longer.

Even if the whole business of being uninfected had only been going on for a month or so she still felt like this bus was unburdening a lifetime of anxiety.

She didn't have to hide anymore but equally she would no longer be governed by her fears, (Y/n) would be able to live freely with people who she could trust.

All she needed was that damned bus to show up.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and (Y/n) gulped upon seeing the contact. It was her mom, after a few moments of debate she declined the call.

It wasn't worth the risk.

She sat down on a bench and checked the empty street to be sure she was alone, paranoia ridden thoughts of what could happen between now and the bus's arrival were all but subtle in her mind.

The phone rang once again, making (Y/n) send it to voicemail for a second time. She didn't have the heart to block her own mother but at the same time didn't think she could bare to listen to what she'd say.

The day Gerry got locked up in his room was still so clear in (Y/n)'s mind, she knew that her parents thought both then and now that they were doing the right thing and that they were protecting him from the brutal world.

(Y/n) couldn't stand to think about how hard these years had been on her brother, having his freedom stripped from him and slowly watching his soul go was too painful to watch as his little sister.

But she couldn't subject herself to the same thing.

So her family had to be an object of the past.

As did Harvey who she once consiered her best friend, as did Wes who she also really trusted, same with Gabriel and Lloyd.

Even the allies she found in Clementine and Chloé weren't people who she could continue to see.

That part of her life just couldn't follow her anymore.

Starting again was exciting but scary all the same. What if there wasn't even an unifected community where Clementine had sent her? These things weren't exactly advertised for obvious reasons, this had all come about through word of mouth. What if they didn't accept her? What if she got caught anyway and it was all for nothing?

(Y/n)'s thoughts were cut short by her phone vibrating for a third time. In exasperation, she rejected the call.

She didn't have the time to be kind and considerate, she had to save herself instead of catering to the feelings of the people she might hurt by leaving.

It was a cruel approach but it was the only one that would secure her freedom.

She gritted her teeth in frustration when seeing that her bus was being delayed by another ten minutes. It had been so close and she had to wait even longer.

Part of her thought it was a sign that this wasn't going to work out but she pushed that part down and continued to wait with as much patience as she could.

Her ringtone started up for the fourth time and (Y/n) kicked herself in annoyance, it wasn't even that bad that her mother was dealing her but this repetition on top of her delay in transport was getting irritating.

She accepted the call hurriedly if only to tell her mom to stop calling her.

"Hello??" (Y/n) said with a little too much aggression.

"...(Y/n)." A deep yet hoarse voice came quietly out of the speaker.

(Y/n) stood up very suddenly, the voice wasn't that of her mother's but it was someone she just about recognised the tone of.

"Gerry..? Is that you?" She uttered in disbelief.

"M-om and...d-dad are fr-eaking...out." His words were disjointed from several years of not making a sound but (Y/n) was still mesmerized by his voice.

(Y/n) sighed out shakily, unable to comprehend the flurry of emotions she was experiencing. "I'm so sorry... But I have to go."

"I-I know... I d-ont't want you to.. t-o end up like me.. or worse..."

"Gerry..." She said softly, even though she hasn't stopped speaking to him it still felt like he was hearing her for the first time. "I... I'll come back for you, we'll be safe."

"Don't... It's too- too dang-erous." His voice was so much weaker than (Y/n) remembered it being. "I'm f-fine."

"No. I cannot leave you. Once I'm settled down I swear I'll come back for you." (Y/n) spoke with confidence.


She almost sobbed upon hearing her name.

"I j-ust wanted t-to tell you that you can't let... L-et us hold you back..we- we'll be okay." There was some hesitance in his voice but she couldn't tell if it was a lack of trust in his own words or the simple fact that he hadn't spoke aloud in years.

"I love you so much, I'm gonna miss you... But I'll see you again and-and we can look after each other, okay? We can be free.. and safe... And happy." Those latter three feelings seemed worlds away but she couldn't leave Gerry without telling him that.

"I love you too." He said, his first words without a stutter from the whole call. "T-take your time."

Her brother's voice was replaced with sound of the dial tone and she put her phone away. It was only then that she noticed the tears that leaked from her eyes.

The bus would be turning up soon and then this could all begin. A deep and shuddered breath left her lips.

She didn't know of the figure that lurked nearby, and that figure would do anything to stop her from getting on that bus.

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