XLV- exposure

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Harvey watched Lloyd retreat to a catch up class, he saw little point in following him there. Besides, Harvey had a better idea of how to get the correct grasp on just what Lloyd knew.

The possessive first year strolled quite easily into the obsessive house and made his way up to the second year landing.

He located Lloyd's room and went in without question from anyone around him. The first impression Harvey had was quite how empty it was, no pictures, no personal items, just his school supplies and books and other necessities.

As every room in A.L.F.E. had, he had a bed, a wardrobe, some drawers and a desk.

Harvey's pale eyes scanned over the minimal items on Lloyd's desk from behind his glasses.

There was a pair of scissors along with some pictures cut up pictures, these seemed to be some of the discarded pieces that contained miscellaneous students, including Gabriel, Chloé and Wes. As Harvey turned over more he even saw one with him in it.

"What the hell..?" He whispered out with widened eyes, Harvey tried to recall when this was but just a hint of a blue blazer on the edge of the paper gave away who he was with.


He put the picture down in a hurry and looked over the other cutoffs, some gave no hints to (Y/n) but others showed a (s/c) hand or some strands of (h/c) hair in the corner or even just a familiar pair of shoes.

Harvey had to find where all these photographs of (Y/n) were... He couldn't help but feel disgusted to think that Lloyd had even more perverse images that he may be doing lewd things with. He fit the bill, being the little creep he clearly was.

Not that Harvey wanted to see any pictures like that! No, he was sure that if he encountered anything that put (Y/n) in a compromising position he would make sure no one, including himself, ever saw it. For how entitled he felt to (Y/n), Harvey didn't want to see (Y/n) like that without her permission any pleasure such an image would give him would be squashed by how wrong he knew it was.

So (Y/n)'s best friend threw drawers open and looked for where Lloyd could possibly keep these photos.

Eventually he happened upon the jackpot when opening Lloyd's wardrobe, the top compartment had been converted into what looked like a borderline religious shrine to (Y/n). He could recognise where candid photos had been cut from the ones lying on his desk.

What really caught Harvey off guard was the white lace and ribbons that adorned it, little pieces of paper had what looked like poorly written poetry and love letters on them. Right in the centre was a small bottle filled with a milky white liquid, a label across the vial said '(Y/n)'.

Harvey narrowed his eyes at it and brought the bottle out. He shook it and saw that the substance was still a liquid but not quite as thin as he had expected.

He pulled the small lid off the top and smelled it, Harvey nearly dropped the thing but stopped himself.

He'd recognise the undeniable irony smell of blood anywhere and this... This was definitely it.

There was no chance it was Lloyd's since him being uninfected was about the biggest joke Harvey would have ever heard so it had to be...no.

It would make sense for (Y/n) to be uninfected, wouldn't it?

Her brother was too and Harvey had seen what happened to Gerry when his parents found out so of course she'd want to hide it.

Her rejection.. her anxiety, her distance, it all added up to what was in the tiny bottle.

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