XLIX- ticket out of hell

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Gabriel: I'm sorry for getting sidetracked with Lloyd. That was stupid, I should have left him. I'm sorry

Gabriel: Please, I'm so sorry and I won't forgive myself if anything happened to you

Gabriel: (Y/n)

Gabriel: Call me, okay?

She pinched her nose as she read through Gabriel's desperate texts all from the day before. She hadn't even though about the fact that her mentor probably thinks she got caught.

Again, that slight hint of pity that she associated with him played with her emotions but not enough to make her text him back.

She exited the conversation and went to the next one.

Unknown Number: Hey!

Unknown Number: I just woke up :D

Unknown Number: This is Lloyd btw (the nurse left her phone on)

Unknown Number: I heard you got mentioned in an announcement but don't worry! I've just asked Frankie to go and find you!

Unknown Number: She'll hold onto you for now but I'll see you soon. Your mentor was pretty mad at me haha

Unknown Number: You're obviously doing something right now...

Unknown Number: Text me back when you see this :)

Unknown Number: I love you!

Unknown Number: It's so nice being able to text you again, I can't wait for us to be together forever!

Unknown Number: I know you're probably upset about everyone knowing you're uninfected but I think it's really adorable!

Unknown Number: The nurse is coming back so I gotta go but I'll see you soon. Love you!!!! <3

(Y/n) didn't want to even think about Lloyd's reaction to discovering Frankie didn't exactly follow through on what she was meant to do. But luckily it seemed he didn't get access to someone else's phone to contact (Y/n) on.

Harvey: Okay... I know I fucked up.

Harvey: I'm sorry

Harvey: But please come back now I'm getting worried.

Harvey: If you're at a facility then tell them to contact me, I'll get you out of there, okay?

Harvey: Give them this number and I'll come and get you.

Harvey: I was really stupid with what I did in class but you were pissing me off.

Harvey: So don't piss me off again, yeah?

Harvey: If you just come back or even tell me where you are so I can get you, then we can forget all about this.

Harvey: I can forgive you, you can forgive me.

Harvey: This isn't funny.

Harvey: Text me back

Harvey: You're mine, stop trying to avoid this.

Harvey: I'm gonna find you

Harvey: Make this easier and just tell me where you are.

Harvey's were definitely the more aggressive messages out of the three. It wasn't typical of him to speak to her like that, or at least everytime he did he'd instantly back down with guilt and the slightest hint of upset on her end. Though she has a feeling that expressing discontent wouldn't get her out of this one.

There was still one more person she needed to check though she was hesitant to do so.

Wes had completely terrified her yesterday and she was scared to even see what he had to say to her.

Wes: I'm sorry

Wes:*SO SO sorry

Wes: I don't know what that was.

Wes: That wasn't me, you know I'm not that guy.

Wes: I just want to be with you and you were going to leave and I lost control.

Wes: I won't lose control again, I swear.

Wes: Where have you gone? I can get you out of here before you get caught.

Wes: If you're already caught and a facility worker is reading this: (Y/n) is mine! Contact me and I'll take her back!!!

Wes: I'm just really sorry

Wes: If you're scared of me then I get it.

Wes: You don't have to say anything.

Wes: I feel so awful.

Wes: You don't understand, this is worse than I've ever felt in my life.

Wes: I miss you, please come back.

She placed her phone down with a sigh, the emotional labor was effectively palced back on her shoulders. They all brought this upon themselves and yet she still was feeling this way.

(Y/n) concluded that she wouldn't reach out to her parents even if she wanted to. She could barely will herself to click on the texts they'd sent her. She had to move on and start a new life without them even if it was hard.

Just as she went to turn her phone off again, another notification came through on the chat between her and Wes that she was still on.

Wes: (Y/n)!

Wes: I can see you're reading this!

Wes: That means you weren't caught!

Wes: Tell me where you are.

(Y/n) muted his messages and quickly went to complete her packing, she had a bus to catch after all.

infected ((yandere x reader))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora