Chapter 21: The Siege of the North Part 2

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I'm sorry if it's not the best!! Doing Sokka's pov was strange and different than what I'm used to but I think it did the job.

Sokka's pov (how exciting and new)

Yue had come running to me with warning that Zuko was attacking Katara, Aang, and Havi. I quickly grabbed her, jumped on Appa, and flew to the oasis while Yue guided me. Appa lands and I see a hunched over Katara, her shoulders slightly shuddering. "What happened?" I ask seeing no one around, "Where's Zuko?!"

I climb off as my sister answers breathlessly, "H-he took Aang and.. and.." My brows lower as I step closer. A body comes into view and not just any body.

Havi's body.

Havi's bleeding body.

I rush to the her side and collapse to the ground beside the girl, my knees landing in a small puddle beneath her. I examine the knife sticking out of her stomach while she lay unconscious. "How did this happen?!" Tears well up in my eyes as I look at her paled face. Everything felt so slow but in fast motion at the same time. My chest seems to constrict but the only person who can make me feel calm is the same reason for my panic.

I raise a shakey hand and use the back of my fingers to slowly caress her cold cheek. It's smooth and soft from the light peach fuzz on her face. The small touch helps to relieve my overflowing stress. Somehow, even in this lifeless form, she's still so incredibly beautiful.

"I don't know," Katara whispers to herself more than me.

I snarl, "You don't know?!"

"Sokka, stop yelling! It's not her fault," Yue tries to calm me down but my mind was already going a mile a minute. There was no coming back now.

The only thought ringing out above all others was that.. I never got to tell her how I truly feel. I never got to hold her hand and know she's holding my equally. I never got to hear her say those three sweet words that I feel every time I see her. I'll never have the chance to tell her how she makes my world complete. I've been avoiding it for so long but I understand now that life is too short to wait. I just need one more chance. One more and I'll get it right this time.

I just wanna tell her she's beautiful.




I take her in my arms and begin to shake her, "Hey, wake up. Havi, come on. Please, wake up." Her eyes flutter softly and I let out a huge breath I was holding.

"S- Sokka?" Her words come out so quietly I could barely hear. A slight raspiness of pain edged in her voice but seeing her green eyes again gives me a new found energy.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay. Got that?"

"But Zuko," Havi was visibly struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Yes, we know, we're gonna take care of him, but you need to stay awake, okay?" I stand up with her in my arms and she winces from the movement.

"I tried. I tried so hard to help, Sokka," she tells me as a tear falls from her eye, "I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry."

I climb up Appa after Yue and Katara. In the saddle, I rest Havi's head in Yue's lap as my sister prepares her water to help heal what she can. "Zuko couldn't have gotten far. We'll find him," Katara reassured but that's not my biggest worry at this point. Reading my mind, she continues, "It's okay, Sokka, I've got her. Just get us out of here."

I nod solemnly, "Yip yip." With that, we begin to soar through the harsh blizzard.

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