Chapter 44: The Earth King

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Sooo :DDD.... my bad... BUT GUESS WHAT! All the mega stressful stuff that made me not wanna write a single word again is over! So after this, uploads should be back to normal! Maybe even an extra chapter on Christmas or smth.

ALSO HAPPY LATE HANUKKAH! I kinda celebrate it since I'm Jewish(ethnicity) but my dad is both ethnically and religiously Jewish.


Havi's pov

"Look, we escaped from the Dai Li, we got Appa back, I'm telling you, we should go to the earth king now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll," Sokka suggests. For the moment, we were hidden behind a large rock that shielded us from the lake's view. We just wanted a few minutes to enjoy Appa's return without disruption.

By disruption I mean people trying to attack us.

Don't they realize we're minors?

Katara corrects him, "One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll."

"We can build on it," he replies, "If we want to invade the fire nation when the eclipse happens we need the earth king's support."

"What makes you think we'll get it?" Toph asks, "I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang."

"I know but I've got a good feeling about this."

"Sokka, Long Feng is in control of the city," Katara explains, "his conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us."

"I'm with sweetness. I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se and I can't even see!" Toph throws her hands up for emphasis.

Aang jumps in, "But now that we have Appa back, there's nothing stopping us from telling the earth king the truth. About the conspiracy and the war."

"Exactly," I nod along, "plus, if anything goes wrong we have a last minute escape plan now."

"See, Aang and Havi agree with me," Sokka wraps an arm over our shoulders, "it's the whole reason we came here in the first place, we have to try."

Katara thinks for a moment, "Well, I guess if the earth king knew the truth, things could change."

Toph stands, "I don't trust the new positive Sokka. Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he?!"

I shush her, "This is the longest he's never complained. Leave it be."

Aang runs over to the edge of the rock while the rest of us stood up to get a better look at the large boats in the water. Sokka huffs, "that's probably the Dai Li searching for us, so?"

We all gaze towards Katara. She lets out a sigh before giving in, "let's fly."

All of us get on Appa's bare back while Aang climbs to his head and just like that, we were off.

With all the air blowing against us, it was hard to keep a good grip on the fur. Mid flight, Toph begs, "Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!"

"I agree but it shouldn't be too much farther now!" I reply.

"There is it!" Sokka announces. The area was massive with large amounts of open land surrounding it. The warm colors of the building were regal and did a good job of accentuating the earth kingdom royalty feel. As we got closer to the destination his tone lightens up, "That whole thing is the palace. The earth king's chamber should be in the center."

"We have to be careful. Long Feng's probably warned the king that we're coming," I add on.

"Why would you assume that? If you ask me I think we're just gonna sail right in..aaAAHH!" A large boulder shot up from below causing us to quake in the air.

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