Chapter 41: The Tales of Ba Sing Se

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Havi's pov

The Tale Of Sokka

It was sundown and Sokka decided it would he a great time to go out. I mean, I'm not complaining. We haven't been able to have time to ourselves since we started dating, which I realize has literally been like a week max but I just like complaining, okay?

Oh no..

I'm turning into him already..

We walked hand in hand down the road when he turns to me, "Hey, Havi?"

"Yeah," I look at him as we pass by green, vibrant lanterns that lined the street. Their glow illuminated a nice vibe to the area.

"Do you think you're ready to tell everyone about us? That we're together?"

I purse my lips. "Uh, so, you see," I chuckle nervously, "I may have possibly already told them."

"What?!" Sokka snapped at me, "I was so excited to tell them."

"I'm sorry! It's just that Toph and Katara were catching on and asked me about it. What was I supposed to do? Lie?"

"No," he sighs and I stop our walking.

I place my hands on his shoulders, "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was that important to you to be there when they found out. Are you mad?"

"No. I'm not mad," he smirks and pulls me closer by my chin, "Maybe a little disappointed though."

I smile lowly and give him a quick peck. "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't told Aang yet," this seems to perk up his ears and he grins.

"Perfect! I get to tell him this time!"

"Sounds good." We continue our little adventure and round a corner where men were tugging on an ostrich horse. Through an open window, voices took my attention. I drag Sokka to it inquisitively, "what's this?"

Inside was a large room with a bunch of girls and a stage. One of them spoke from the platform,  "Through all the long night, winter moon glows with bright love. Sleet, her silver tears."

"Ah, poetry," Sokka grinned and I go to smack him but the ostrich horse beat me to it and kicked us through the window. I fell straight to the ground below while Sokka got stuck in the opening. Gasps filled the room and my eyes widened with mortification, "I am so sorry. Something struck us in the rear." He wiggles out and lands on top of me.

"Sokka!" I whisper shout, unsure to laugh or cry.

"Sorry, Havi!" He hops to a stand and helps me to my feet, "we just.. wound up.. here?" The crowd of girls giggles at him but one striking woman stands with a slow clap.

"Five, seven, then five syllables mark a haiku, remarkable oaf," she bows causing Sokka's eyebrow to twitch. I could SEE his gears churning.

"They call me Sokka, that is in the water tribe, I am not an oaf." I shake my head and smirk.

The woman replies in poem form, "chittering monkey, in the spring he climbs treetops, and thinks himself tall."

All the girls ooh and I join them earning me a playful glare, "you think you're so smart, with your fancy little words. This is not so hard."

"Good one," I rub his shoulders, "you can so win this." It's not a competition but something about it feels very competitive.

"Whole seasons are spent, mastering the form, the style. None calls it easy," she joins us on stage, intimidating me with her presence. She's quite, striking, if I'm honest but I admire with respectful eyes only... yeah..

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