Chapter 20: The Seige of the North Part 1

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Havi's pov

Tiko and I were hanging out again since Katara and Aang had training and Sokka was busy with little miss princess. I met up with him this morning and decided to introduce him to our chauffeur sky bison. When we had finally reached the animal stables, I motioned to Appa, "Here he is! Appa the furry beast."

"Is he safe?" Tiko asked timidly, standing a fair distance away.

I raise my hand to brush through his fur, "Why would I trust him to fly me around, hundreds of feet in the air, if he wasn't safe?"

Slowly and cautiously, Tiko made his way to the bison. He gave a soft pet his nose before finally loosing up, "Okay, yeah, you're right. He's harmless."

"Told you," I bump our hips, "I'm always right."

"Sure, whatever." My friend rolls his eyes and I chuckle lightly at our bickering.

"Appa and I go way back. Don't we boy?" I snap my head over to a new voice that was joining us. Sokka had come to visit and brought her with him too. Ugh, I shouldn't be so rude. It's not her fault Sokka doesn't like me. I grin in satisfaction as Appa knocks Sokka back and licks him, "Easy, down, boy! No, up!"

"Looks like you haven't been giving Appa enough attention," Princess Yue said while cracking up at Sokka's struggle.

I poke Tiko, "Let's go."

Before we could leave, Sokka stopped us, "Oh, hey, Havi!" He double takes to the person beside me, "Tiko.."

"Sorry if we were in your way. We're leaving now," I attempt to escape again.

"No, wait," He calls out and I turn around, "Did you need Appa? I was just gonna take Yue on a ride."

"No, I didn't. See you later. Maybe." This time I didn't allow a chance of being stopped to happen. I grabbed Tiko's hand and pulled us out of there, jogging.

"Hey, hey," he starts and I slow down once we were far enough away, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, the boy you're in love with just kicked us out of there so he could 'go for a ride' with the competition," Tiko explained as if I didn't already know.

"Okay first, I never said I was in love with Sokka," he rolls his eyes but I continue, "Second, he didn't kick us out, I left on my own. And! It's okay, I'm okay. Sometimes things just don't work out. This is just one of those times." I finish sadly.

He groans. "Just bring in the hug already, you emotionless rock," Tiko opened his arms and I almost pushed him over with the impact. I duck my head into his chest while his brotherly hold tightens around my back for support, not pulling away until I made a move to. Snowflakes landed softly on my eyelashes until a dark, black one caught my attention. We both look up as more of it fell from the sky, "What is this? Black snow?"

"I don't know, Tiko," my heart races a little and a looming feeling grows in my stomach, "Something bad is gonna happen. I can just tell," Slowly, I begin to walk away but leave him with one last warning, "You should find your family and get somewhere safe." I run off quickly to find Aang.

Most people were headed in the same direction so I assume this is the best way to find my group. Following the herd, I end up finding Katara and Aang standing together and confront their panicked faces, "Guys! What's happening?"

"Havi! Thank goodness!" Katara wraps me in a hug, "Have you seen Sokka?"

I shake my head and look to Aang who starts explaining, "The stuff in the air, it's soot. The fire nation is closing in on the tribe."

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