Chapter 42: Lake Laogai

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All in favor of making 'boredly' a word say aye...


Havi's pov

Sokka was attempting to sketch pictures of Appa while I watched him botch it every try. With all this free time we have, it's been decided to start our search for the lost bison and he's just taken it upon himself to do some heavy lifting. He's not doing good but, you know, he's trying.

Aang and Katara charge through the front door and ruin the peace we created. "We found a printer to make our posters," Katara held a paper out and it had a professional image of our fuzzy friend.

"Hey! I thought designing the lost Appa posters was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa," Sokka held up one of his few drawing with a very mangled looking animal on it.

Aang looked confused, "Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head."

"This is his head!"

Katara takes a closer look, "why are feet coming out of it?"

"Those are his horns!" He looks down dejectedly, "I haven't seen him in a while, okay?"

Toph notices his mood change and adds with a grin, "it looks just like him to me."

"Thank you! I worked really-," he cuts himself off and I laugh as Sokka realizes his mistake, "Why do you feel the need to do that?"

"Let's just stick with the professional version," I tell him as nicely as possible.

Aang grabs a bunch of mini posters, "come on, let's get busy!"

"Wait!" Sokka stops everyone, "there's something I want to tell Aang."

"Is now reeally the best time?" I ask.

"When do we ever have a down moment?" I shrug as he continues, "Aang, Havi and I are officially dating!"

Aang looks at us with a bored expression, "...okay..."


"Yeah, I saw this coming before you two did."

Sokka's jaw drops in annoyance, "I did not fight Havi over this for you to be unexcited."

"Okay, well, you know what I am excited about? Finding my bison, let's go!" The airbender runs off to drop leaflets from the sky and leaves Sokka with mouth still hanging wide open.

I lift his bottom jaw to meet the top, "you're gonna catch flies," I kiss his cheek and laugh.

While waiting for Aang to come back, I watched the water tribe siblings play a board game together. I may or may not have cheated a little to help Sokka win, but the world may never know for sure.

Not long later, Aang returns, "I just finished dropping all the leaflets. Has anyone come in with news about Appa?"

About to.

I pop up from my slouching position and furrow my brows. I'm not entirely sure how this works if I'm being honest but I did not enjoy that. It was as if someone said something to me but in my brain. I shiver slightly. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

"It's only been a day. Just be patient," Katara waves him off as a knock comes from the door.

Aang shoots up, "wow, you're right. Patience really pays off," he answers the door and freaky stood on the other side, "Joo Dee?"

She walks inside, "hello Aang and Katara and Sokka and Havi and Toph."

I guess that counts??

We all walk over and Sokka questions, "what happened to you? Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?"

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