Chapter 4: Winter Solstice Part 2

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This chapter is LONGGGGish so buckle up babes, here we go.

Havi's pov

We were quickly rushed out of the village with the Hei Bai spirit. If we wanted to make it to crescent island in time we had to fly quickly and leave right away. Of course, Aang had to be difficult and try to ditch us at first but we refused to put up with that shit.

Now flying on Appa, Aang yells for his bison to hurry up, "Come on, boy! We've got a long way to go! Faster!" The animal replies with a grunt and knocks me back slightly while picking up speed.

"Aang," I point to the ship behind us, "we got trouble."

"Yeah and it's gaining fast!" Sokka adds on. We watch as they prepare some type of catapult.

Katara yells out, "fire ball!" As they send one our way.

"I'm on it!" Aang begins to steer us away from incoming blasts.

The siblings and I move to the front of the saddle by Aang and Katara says, "We have to get out of zuko's range before he shoots another hot sticker at us!" Oooh, so that's Zuko.

"Can't you make Appa go any faster?"

"Yes but there's just one little problem," we look where Aang is staring and see a blockade of hundreds of fire nation ships.

"How the hell are they always so prepared!" Both the water tribe siblings glare at me again for my bad language, "oh come on, get used to it."

"If we fly north we can go around the fire nation ships and avoid the blockade," Aang turns back to us, "it's the only way."

"There's no time," Katara tells him and I nod in agreement.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come. It's too dangerous."

"And that's exactly why we're here."

"Let's run this blockade." Sokka encourages us.

"Appa, yip yip." With that we begin to go faster than before.

All of a sudden, tons and tons of catapults with fire balls are launched at us from the blockade. Aang, Sokka, Katara and I yell out in fear while Aang somehow finds a way to dodge the incoming blasts. One specific blast blows up right in front of us, causing the bison to fly through it. When we make it out the other side, ash and small flames were stuck on Appa's fur. Quickly, the siblings I try to pat out as much as we could.

"Appa are you okay?" Aang was answered with a grunt from his furry friend. Soon after that, we rise up above the clouds for cover. Right when we finally thought we were safe, more balls of Fire surprise us by shooting through the clouds.

Loud, "Ahh!"s were all that could be heard from our little gang. While Aang was still weaving his away around the fire, another ball exploded in front of us and this one caused Sokka to go flying off Appa.

"Sokka!" I reached out for him as he disappeared beneath the clouds. Aang got right into action and dove after our friend. We got beneath him quickly and I reached out for his hand to pull him back into the saddle. Once sokka was safe I forced him into a quick hug and sighed of relief.

The danger wasn't over yet. As we flew close to the water more and more catapults were launched our way. We watched as one headed straight for us but Aang got right into action. He hopped off the bison and sent a strong kick of air so it would miss us. We finally were able to pass the blockade and make it into the fire nation. If that was good or bad, I have no idea.

"We made it!" Aang punched the air.

"We got into the fire nation," Sokka says with a nervous face, "great."

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