Chapter 59: The Invasion

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I literally have no excuse for late chapter 😳😳 things happen oopsy I guess

Havi's pov

In preparation for the fight, everyone begins to ready their gear and I join in by sharpening my daggers. I might as well bring them both; I've got two feet for a reason and extra protection is never a bad idea. The thing I'm most glad about though is the fact that I can finally wear my earth kingdom clothes again. Although the fire nation garb was fun for a short time, it was like playing dress up as a little girl again, I was starting to miss my own culture and the things I grew up with.

As people start feeling the heat of incoming battle they rush around to get our stuff packed up. Many of the adults ended up doing the labor while younger people, like Katara and Aang, ended up ordering them around. I got to admit, it's quite funny to see a middle aged, buff, warrior type taking orders from a 12 year old monk but I can't even say anything about it. It's probably the most sane thing I've seen this year.

Within a few minutes, everything was a go with the exception of one person. My eyes darted around the dock in search of the comforting, cerulean blue to meet my gaze, but found it no where in sight. A bubble of worry heats up my stomach. I know he's probably fine but I still feel like I should go look for him.

Fortunately, he didn't make it too hard.

I walk up to the cliff edge where Sokka studied his water tribe helmet, a wolf. He seems deep in thought since he barely moved after hearing my footsteps, or maybe he didn't even notice them. "We've been looking everywhere for you," I tell him as I get closer, "The boats are just about ready to leave."

No answer.

I step towards him again but he only moves further away. I sigh, "What's wrong?"

"I messed up, Havi," He says, refusing to face me.


"The invasion plan was my moment of truth and I completely flopped it," Sokka finally looks me in the eyes, "I just... fell apart."

"Sokka, that speech wasn't your moment of truth. That was just public speaking and nobody's really good at that," I jest playfully.

"My dad is," he argues, "he explained the plan perfectly and inspired everyone. Like a real leader should."

My feet carry me in front of him and his gaze immediately switches to the grass; it sways lightly with the breeze. I curl my fingers to my palm and lightly caress my knuckles over his arms. With a light motion up and down, I make my way to his shoulder and drag my thumb over his collar bone. To his neck, jaw, and finally cheek, I use a light hold to give him all the comfort he needs at the moment.
"Sokka, look at me," my gentle tone coaxes his eyes from the ground, "Your moment of truth isn't gonna be in front of some map, it's gonna be out there on the battle field and you know as well as I that you can fight better than probably half those men with us."

"You seem so confident about everything," He holds my hand against his face, "Do you... Do you know how this plays out?"

I shake my head, "No, but it's time we go and find out for ourselves. Plus, remember what Aunt Wu taught us? Nothing of the future is set in stone. It's up to us to form it into the version we want it to be."

Sokka brings my palm to his lips and lightly brushed them together, "I love you."

"I love you too, now let's go kick some ass."

• • •

"There they are," Bato announces from our boat, "the great gates of Azulon."

"I don't see any gates," Katara says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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