Chapter 45: The Earth King

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE YALL. My parents are currently wrapping our presents in the living room 🤠 I love growing up

Havi's pov

"The wall!" Katara shouts making me jump at her voice. We all look at her confused before she elaborated, "They'll never be able to cover that up in time."

"Oh, yeah!" Aang hops in the front of the king to stop him, "if you come with us the the outer wall, we can prove to you that the secret war is real."

"No earth king has ever been to the outer wall. I don't have anymore time for this nonsense," Aang looks down sadly as the king refuses.

A sly grin breaks across Sokka's face, "if you come with us, this time you can ride on Appa."

His ears visibly perked up at the offer...

This is the part where we cut to the king screaming as we soar through the sky. "First time flying?" Toph asks.

"It's both thrilling and terrifying," he replies.

"Yeah, I hate it too."

"I have to be honest with you," the king admits, "Part of me really hopes that what you're telling me about this war isn't true."

"I wish it wasn't," Aang sadly says as we close in on the wall, "Look! It's still there!"

"What is that?" The king questions as we hover over the large, broken machinery.

"It's a drill," I tell him, "a giant drill made by the fire nation to break through your walls."

Appa finally lands and the king stares below incredulously, "I can't believe I never knew."

"I can explain this, your majesty," I groan as Long Feng— my bad, *liar* Feng joins us, "this is nothing more than a construction project."

"Really?" Katara pushes, "then perhaps you can explain why there's a fire nation insignia on your construction project."

"Well, it's imported of course. You know you can't trust domestic machinery," We glare harshly at him as he realizes he needs to push a different tactic, "Surely you don't believe these children instead of your most loyal attendant."

The king thinks for a moment as we give him pleading looks, "Dai Li, arrest Long Feng. I want him to stand trial for crimes against the earth kingdom."

"You can't arrest me! You all need me more than you know!" He shouts while being taken away.

"Looks like Long Feng is long gone!" Sokka laughs.

I sync his hand in mine, "How long have you been waiting to use that one?"

"Too long, Havi. Too long."

• • •

We were back at the palace as the King addressed us, "I want to thank you, young heroes, for opening my eyes. All this time, what I thought was a great metropolis was merely a city of fools, and that makes me the king fool. We're at war with the fire nation."

"That's why we came to Ba Sing Se, your highness," Sokka explains, "because we think you could help us end the war."

Aang adds on, "We don't have much time. There's a comet coming this summer. It's energy will give the firebenders unbelievable strength. They'll be unstoppable."

"But there is still hope," I tell him, "Before the comet comes, we have a window of opportunity. A solar eclipse is coming. The sun will be entirely blocked out by the moon and the fire benders will be helpless."

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