Chapter 57: Nightmares and Daydreams

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Next chapter is the invasion 😳 how tf

Havi's pov

"This is it, the official rendezvous point for the invasion force," Sokka says as we arrive at a field. It was large and wide and had koala sheep roaming the grasses, which looked almost soft to the touch.

Toph asks, "How did you pick this place?"

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited and the harbor is surrounded by cliffs. Seemed like the perfect, secluded place," he explained while we set up our blankets for sleep.

"Nice choice, Sokka," his sister compliments, "and we're here four days ahead of schedule."

"Wait," Aang shoots up from his sleeping bag, "four days?! The invasion's in four days?"

Sokka yawned and pull me to the 'bed' with him, "whatever, that's like, four days from now. Let's just calm down and.." he dozes off while speaking.

"Sokka's got the right idea, Aang," I tell him, "we're here, we're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest."

The airbender sighs, "I guess."

• • •

A loud, repetitive thudding wakes me from my sleep. The world looks too bright and blurry as my eyes adjust from the deep dream I was having– it was a good one too so whatever woke me up better've had a good reason. I search for the origin of the noise and find Aang punching a tree over and over and over again. The sound begins to give me a headache as the people near me wake up as well.

Sokka and I look pleadingly to Katara for her to do something. With a sigh, she stands up and walks over to our friend, "Hey, how long have you been up?"

"A couple hours," Aang answered without stopping his punching, "I got a lot more skills to refine if I'm gonna fight Ozai."

"You know, there is such a thing as overtraining." Aang ignores her as his final punch vibrates through his whole body, ending with him collapsed on the ground.

He hops up, "You don't get it, do you? My form is bad, I'm sloppy and I still don't know any firebending. Not even the basics."

"That's okay, Aang," I console him from my sleeping bag, hoping it's close enough for his ears to hear, "the eclipse will block all firebending anyways. You won't need to know any."

"Plus, it's a stupid element," Sokka adds.

"Okay, well, I still have to work on everything else," Aang starts kicking in the air, "I better spend the whole day training." He bows to each of us before riding off on an air scooter.

After that rude awakening, everyone realized we probably had to get up anyway. As everyone settled into some sort of task, I walk over to my boyfriend who's studying a map, "What're you doing?"

He tugs me next to him and goes on to give me a lengthy explanation about the battle plan, the geography and some other stuff– but to be honestly I wasn't really listening. I mean, I was hearing him but not focusing on his words, if that made any sense.

I mostly listened to the sound and tone of his voice, I liked to hear it. The way it sounded more whole and emotional when talking about his passions. It was almost like I could do more than just hear it. I could also feel his energy through the air, see the meaning in his face. It's one of my favorite things about him.

Many people may miss it if they aren't looking closely, but whenever he goes on one of these long rants, his eyes get all big and animated. His mouth slightly over-anunciantes each word while still keeping up speed. Yet, if you look even closer you'd notice how his nose does this little scrunch thing as he gets more serious. I couldn't care less about the topic. If he's passionate about it, he has my full attention.

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