Chapter 18: The Waterbending Master

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I'm actually preparing to go on zoom rnn, I'm kinda nervous lol. First day was last week but ehhh

Havi's pov

We were searching for the northern water tribe in the middle of a large, icey ocean. Nothing but sloshing water and icebergs could be seen for miles. "I'm not one to complain but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka asked and I just about burst out laughing. He glares at me, "What?"

"You? Not one to complain?" I say sarcastically, "That just had to be a joke."

Aang intervienes before Sokka could bite back, "I have an idea. Why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole."

"I'd love to," he turns, bends over, and points to his back, "Climb on everyone, Sokka's ready for takeoff." Momo came and jumped on his butt, knocking the boy over.

Katara mediated, "Look, were all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight."

"And for what? We can't even find the northern water tribe," Sokka complained, which apparently is a rare occurrence, keep in mind, "There's nothing up here."

"Eh, try to be more optimistic," I nudge his shoulder, "I don't think it'll be much longer now."

Splashes took our attention from the conversation as a large wave of ice formed in front of Appa. Aang quickly steered away but more and more kept appearing in front of us to where even after we flew higher, it hit Appa's legs and caused us to spin out of control. The rough landing forced us back into the water, disorienting us, as ice formed around our bison.

"They're waterbenders," Katara's eyes sparkled at the sight of boats and people coming from behind icebergs, "We found the water tribe!"

I giggle lowly and whisper, "See, Sokka. Told ya. I've got good intuition."

Once we were able to signal that we weren't threats, the tribe members peacefully led us to their home. "There it is!" Aang pointed forward as a large gate of ice and snow came into view. The marvelous structure was there to protect the inner city and its people.

"The northern water tribe," I wowed at the sight, snow shining in the daylight.

Sokka seemed to be in the same trance as I, "We're finally here."

When we got close enough to the wall, waterbenders worked together to create an opening that led to a tunnel into the tribe. We had a second wall to get passed but we were given entry through that one as well. It was gorgeous, the tribe I mean. The buildings and walkways sparkled slightly under the sun and gave everything a magical glow to it. We floated down a water pathway with bridges going overhead.

"This place is beautiful," Katara beamed.

"Yeah. She is," I look over and see Sokka starring at a girl on a passing boat. I clench my teeth and glare his way.

"Is someone a little jealous?" Aang whispered to me.

My head snaps to him, "No."

"Well, you're tone says otherwise," he teased, "Katara told me about the little chat you guys had."

I roll my eyes and push his face away, "Shut up, baldy."

• • •

Later that day, we were invited to a large dinner in honor of the avatar. The chief, or king, I'm kind of confused to be honest, stands up in front of the gathered crowd, "Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the southern tribe," Katara and Sokka smile proudly, "and they have brought with them someone very special, someone who many of us believed disappeared from the world until now. The avatar!" Aang waved as cheering erupted, "We also celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age." I turn to see who it is and of course. This girl again? And she's a princess too? Next to me, Sokka was already gaping at the girl.

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