Chapter 58: The Invasion

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Ahh sorry i didn't upload last week!! I had a dance competition all weekend and didn't have the chance to edit before publishing. All is back to normal now though!

Havi's pov

Today is finally the day.

After months of travel, learning, fighting, and exploration, it's all finally gonna pay off. All the pain and emotion that came with this trip has been leading up to this very moment; a lot of things are about to change and I don't know if it's for the better or worse.

All I know is that the tension level of our group is high only only getting higher.

I sit next to Sokka as he continues to study maps in preparation for today's event. As we do what we can to relax, Katara brings us some tea. "Thank you," I give her a slight nod in appreciation and she returns a smile.

"Top of the morning, Momo!" Aang cheerfully joins us after waking up.

"Sounds like you slept well," Katara says.

"Like a baby moose lion," He agrees, "I'm ready to face the fire lord."

"So, what's your strategy for taking him down? Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little avatar state action?" Toph punches the air.

Aang looks down sadly, "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."

"You know what I just heard?" Toph mocks him by making her hands talk, "blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo, blah-blah something about space."

"Oh no," Katara looks off to a large cloud nearing our meet-up location, "Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?"

"No," her brother stands up, "That is the invasion."

A smile covers my face as we run down to the boat docks. Although I'm very excited to be seeing all our friends, obviously when they've been nothing but accommodating to us, but more importantly because I'll be able to reconnect with a few people I haven't seen in a long time. People who mean more to me than anyone.

The first ship docks and only moments go by before the siblings could spot their father and race after him. "You made it, dad!" Katara takes him in her arms

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asks.

"I did, but I'm a little worried, Sokka," Hakoda tells us, "Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type..."

"Woo-y! This place ain't nothing like the swamp," I watch as the two men we met at the creepy, vision swamp walk onto the wooded landing and point at a rock, "What d'you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of fire nation exploding trap that would eat ya."

"It's just a rock, Due," His friend explains.

"Well, I'll be."

"Is it just me or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf hat?" Hakoda asks and I nod vigorously.

"I just wish they would wear pants," a familiar voice catches my attention.

I turn in shock as an old friend walks over with Bato. "Tiko!" I laugh and pull him into a hug, "I didn't know you would be here!"

"Hey, Havi," He smiles at me, "I sure hope you didn't forget about me."

"As if that's possible! You were the best advice giver I'd ever met." I whisper in his ear with a sing-songy tone, "I even ended up with the boy."

"The dumb, hot one?" I nod and smirk as he nods back, "Nice."

While waiting for more people to join us on the mainland our group, including Tiko, stayed on the beach. Every few minutes a new ship would arrive, or at least a new person would come off and be in need of a welcome. "Hey, Katara."

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