Chapter 31: The Chase

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Havi's pov

We continue flying away from the three musketeers, finally safe from attack. "I can't believe those girls followed us from Omashu," Katara mumbles.

Toph pouts, "I still think we could've taken them."

"Are you kidding me? The crazy blue firebending and the flying daggers are bad enough but last time we saw them, one of those girls did something that took my bending away," Katara replies, "That's scary."

The sun just barely began to join us, hues of orange and pink shading the sky, but we still hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. "Oh no," Sokka whined dramatically, "The sun is rising. We've been up all night with no sleep."

"Sokka, we're gonna be fine," I reassure him.

"Are you sure? I've never not slept before. What if I fall asleep now and something happens? And something always happens!"

"Every time we land, those girls are there," Katara states the obvious, "we'll just have to keep flying."

"We can't keep flying forever," Aang countered, "So, what's our plan?"

Toph yawns, "Don't know. Too tired to think."

"I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap," Katara says.

"Yes!" Sokka grinned, "sleep."

Suddenly, we all began to drop from the sky as Appa stopped flying. All of us floated up while holding on for dear life but I had nothing to grab, "Spirits!"

Sokka grabbed onto me as Toph panicked, "What's going on?!"

"Appa fell asleep!" We all scream as Aang climbs to the bison's face, "Wake up, buddy!" I close my eyes and squeeze Sokka as tight as I can but right as we were about to hit trees, Appa begins flying again. We sling around in the air before taking a crash landing through the forest, "Appa's exhausted."

"Okay, we've put a lot of distance between us and them. The plan right now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep," Sokka sighed exhaustedly and I agree.

"Of course, we could've gotten some sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues," Katara snapped.

I facepalm.

"What?!" The earthbender stands.

Aang immediately goes to play mediator and help, "Alright, alright. Everyone's exhausted. Let's just get some rest."

"No, I wanna hear what Katara has to say. You think I have issues?"

Katara replies, "I'm just saying, maybe if you helped out earlier we could've set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"You're blaming me for this?" Toph challenges her.

"No!" Aang steps between them, "She's not blaming you."

Katara corrects him, "No, I'm blaming her."

"Hey! I never asked you for diddy-dooda. I carry my own weight! Besides, if there's anyone to blame, it's sheddy over here."

Uh oh, that's a bad idea to bring Appa into this.

"What?! You're blaming Appa?" Aang shouts.

"Yeah. You wanna know how they keep finding us?" Toph grabs loose hair from the bison's back, "he's leaving a trail everywhere we go."

"Is she wrong though?" I sass softly to Sokka.

"Shh!," he snaps, "I'm enjoying the show."

"How dare you blame Appa. He saved your life three times today. If there's anyone to blame, it's you!" Aang points to the earthbender, "you're always talking about how you carry your own weight but you're not. He is! Appa's carrying your weight. He never had a problem flying when it was just the four of us."

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