Chapter 14: The Unspoken Words

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A/n: Hello, people! Foa, sorry for the late update but like your girl's kinda caught up in some stuff.

Also I've been thinking of a new book cover and character faces to the book characters.
So drop in your suggestions please!
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"I stood there motionless,
Staring at the water droplets,
Oh how they were slipping off the window glass,
Just like the hope in my heart."

Aria had always had a confusing relationship with her parents. Not that she was against her parents or something, but yes, her thoughts often never aligned with her parents' thinking which always lead to an argument.

And no matter what Samreen and Ali said, they always had a soft spot for their son and thus, Mishaal always had his side of the weight heavy as compared to Aria.

However,  our Aria had learnt to deal with it, knowing it isn't easy to be the eldest sibling especially when you are a girl in the brown household.

Aria being Aria knew how to handle her parents, sometimes bending down her own rules and being considerate to her parents' feelings while silently choking her own wishes to death and burying them into the confinement of her heart.

But this situation, this was something Aria didn't know how to deal with. This whole matter started too suddenly and yes, so did others but this one was way too umbrageous.

Till two days ago, Aria had came up with two solutions regarding this marriage topic.

One was to straight away deny any possibility of her getting married to Faizaan.

But she also knew her parents would try to come up with some or the other reason, subtly pressurize her to consider this proposal and hence, she came up with the second solution.

Brown parents can be a bit toxic without even realizing and Aria knew she can't just say it out aloud. Things need to be tackled tactfully.

So she obviously thought she would agree to her parents' wish, of course, with her own conditions though.

She made it clear in her  head that she would agree to meet Faizaan and will tell him all the stuff relating to her studies and that she would stay here until she gets her degree.

And if not that, then an engagement would be fine or even a Nikah but not the main wedding.

If Faizaan would've agreed to that then she would've said yes and made her family happy while not sacrificing her dreams.

But it all changed that evening when Aria and Rizz went to the shopping trip and Aria realized her slowly developing liking towards Rizz.

And since feelings were a new addition into this drama, many calculations failed and Aria knew she couldn't just agree on marrying Faizaan or even think of executing the second plan.

So here she was, staring at her mother, gathering all the courage she had to finally voice out her opinion.

"Mum.... I really love and respect you and dad, but I'm sorry I cannot really give in and say yes to the proposal of your friend's son."

There!  She finally did it and she felt some weight lift off her chest and she closely gauged Samreen's face which carried a really different emotion of what Aria was actually expecting.

No, Samreen wasn't angry.

She looked... scared?

Aria looked puzzled at Samreen's stumped expression and spoke up again.

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