Chapter 3: You seem cool

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"I hate storms, they make me shiver.
The dark clouds crashing against each other, crying out loud make me shudder.
I lock myself inside the warmth of my room,
Hiding away in an attempt to protect myself.
But what about the storm inside my head?
The chaos within the chambers of my heart?
Yes, I hate storms,
But what about the one within myself?"

Mumbai, India.

The stormy night that kept him amused finally passed and he yawned as he put on a t-shirt over his head and exited his room.

He found his cousin sprawled across the couch in the living room, his eyes a bit droopy.

"Yahya, get up mahn! Why are you sleeping on the couch?", Rizz questioned as he went towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and heard his cousin mumble something but didn't quite get it.

Rizz again walked towards the living room when he heard Yahya question.

"You coming?"

Rizz raised his brow indicating he didn't know where Yahya was asking him to accompany so Yahya questioned again.

"Fajr prayer, bro. To the masjid. Awez Mamu already left. I was waiting for you."

There was an awkward silence enveloping the two brothers when Yahya cleared his throat. Yahya knew Rizz kind off grew apart from his creator and how much it stressed his uncle and thus everyone tried to get Rizz open up and mend the relationship with his creator. But they also made sure not to force him or make Rizz feel guilty. It was a really fragile situation actually.

"You look tired. You should sleep.", Yahya quickly said and Rizz let out a sigh.

"Uhm yeah... But... I'll come...",Rizz said, a bit unsure but Yahya was already having a bright smile on his face and he dragged Rizz with him to the mosque.

Awez met his nephew and son after the prayer and he was truly delighted to see Rizz there. Rizz however, felt awkward and a bit cranky, because of the jetlag obviously and also the lack of sleep since he came here.

It has been three days since they came to India and a day since they met Fariha and her family. Rizz didn't interact much with Fariha or others, just basic small talks while his father really seemed to click with Fariha. Whenever anybody asked Rizz about his opinions on Fariha all he could think about was the crazy, dramatic girl he met there. Not that he liked her or something. He just found her.... weird. And different from the rest of the family.

Both the families decided to get to know each other more better before coming to any decision and thus, they planned on a lunch together which was only going to include Awez, Fariha, Fariha's elder brother and his wife, Awez's sister Tahrina with her family and Rizz.

Rizz really wanted to sleep or just relax because let's be honest, the climate wasn't suiting him nor the sleeping pattern.

As soon as they reached the house, Rizz ran to his bedroom and dropped himself on the bed, letting sleep consume him into it's sweet depth.


I groaned in annoyance as I felt something sharp irritating my closed eyes and as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt my vision blinded by the strong rays of the sun. I immediately closed my eyes and pulled the duvet over my head.

"Woah lady! How much are you gonna sleep?", my brother's annoying voice disturbed me and I threw a pillow, don't know in which direction and again concentrated on my sleep.

I was again slipping in my deep slumber when someone snatched my blanket.

"ARIA GET UP!", Mishaal shouted and I screamed back in annoyance.

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