Luna saw that the entertainment was done and got up to leave when an arrow whizzed past her head. She froze. "Where do you think you're going?" Clint called. The people who didn't see her looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you talking about clint?" Sam asked. "Turn around and walk towards us, or else I won't miss," Clint said, ignoring sam. The others shifted their gaze to where he was looking, occasionally glancing at him skeptically.

Luna sighed and followed his directions, not planning on dying today. When she got close to the avengers the lot of them raised weapons towards her. "My my my. Looks like we have a straggler." Peter quipped. Luna made a mocking face at him. "I don't know what's happening here. I was just being nosy." Luna defended.

"Sure. So you just happened to be wandering in the woods alone wearing the exact same clothing as the people we were just fighting?" Sam asked. "Well, when you say it like that it makes me sound guilty." She said. "Yeah. So you won't mind coming in for questioning right?" Vision asked. "Actually I have somewhere to be so..." She tried to walk away but Stark blasted at her. "Guess we're doing this the hard way." Natasha said.

Luna shrugged and got in a lazy fighting stance. They laughed and nat tried shooting her widows bites at her. Luna used her technopathy to make the bites malfunction and break. Tony looked confused and Shuri laughed. "Your primitive technology." She snickers. She raised her blasters and Luna made them malfunction too. Tony laughed. "How's that for primitive technology?" He boasted.

Tony and Rhodey flew up to take her down but she used her powers on their suits too. "FRIDAY? What's happening?" Rhodey asked. "It seems some unknown force is causing a system malfunction." She said. "It's the kid. Someone grab her." Tony said. Everyone rushed toward her to try and get her. She malfunctioned sams jetpack and redwing, Scott and hopes suits, peter's suit, vision, and any other tech anyone was carrying.

"What the hell?" Peter asked confused. Everyone else went at her. She punched nat in the face and read her mind so that she could counteract every move she was planning. She pinned nat and used her metal manipulation to move tony on her to keep her down. Bucky came to fight her but she used her powers to make his metal arm punch himself in the face. She giggled a bit before swiping his feet and using Rhodeys suit to keep him down.

Thor went to attack her and she started to use her power manipulation but Clint started shooting arrows. She used her technopathy to detonate all his exploding arrows taking away his ammo. Then she teleported behind him so the hammer thor threw at her hit him and knocked him out.

She used her power manipulation to mess with thors lightning and he struck himself and was out cold. (Idk if that would really work, don't fact check.) Peter came and tried to punch her but she ducked and punched him in the chest. It should have winded him but his powers worked as a defect. She took his powers then punched him really hard in the head.

Vision tried to come at her but she used her powers to make him malfunction and he was down. Pietro came running and hitting her. She used her power manipulation to take his powers making him fall from the abrupt loss of speed. He tried to use his powers again but he was stuck at normal speed. She used his powers to speed up to him and knock him out. T'challa tried to pounce on her but she used Pietro's speed to move and run around and grab a thick branch and knock him out.

She looked at her work and went to run when Steve's shield came straight for her and almost hit her in the side. She used her powers and made steve's shield crumple into a ball. She used Pietro's speed to grab it and used the super strength she copied from thor to throw it at his head giving him a cut and knocking him out. Strange tried to use the time stone to undo what she did to the avengers but she took away those powers rendering him useless.

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