Capítulo 41 (cuarenta y uno)

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The clock was ticking.

Tick, tack. Tick, tack.

It would drive one mad in this dreadful silence. But it's fine, I was used to it. Hearing sounds like this and the sound of rain always managed to calm me down. Stopping to just listen closely to water hitting window or clock announcing another second passing was somehow very sweet. It even made awkwardness more tolerable.

Like right now; sitting comfortably in a chair with a book in my hands. In the room I used to spend so much time in – down the stairs and the very first door to right.

But now, it felt weird. It was already spring; I wasn't to be here. I should've already been back in school one month ago but Roderich decided it would be good for me to spend some time with my brother instead of going back. Elizabeta was also delighted and agreed eagerly. She's always liked to have me around, even after spending so much time away.

And, yes, it would've been great, but something about Antonio made me restless. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. The way he stood so close to Roderich and Elizabeta, fine, I learned they were friends and knew each other for a lifetime but why did he stand so close to Romano? He did get him here and maybe they have become friends but the way my brother spoke to him, it didn't seem that way. So why was he so nice to him? Any other person would be more worthy of his attention.

I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. It wasn't good to think like that. I didn't even mean to think like that. It's just that – why should one spend their attention and affection on someone who doesn't even care?

It's true I didn't know Romano that well even after two months of knowing each other – since he wasn't very talkative – but still. Antonio seemed like a sweet person but Romano just kicked him around. He must've been hurt by this behaviour, right? I could treat him better.

My teeth nibbled at my bottom lip, a lingering sensation tickling the tips of my fingers. My breath quickened and I felt a strange excitement in my stomach. After closing the book filled with poetry, I tapped away at it.

How could he treat such a nice man like that? I almost started to think he didn't deserve him. Even I deserved Antonio more than my brother did! And I would definitely pay more attention to his visible affection.

But I couldn't just propose this to either him or my brother. It was to be done by itself. Really, I just wanted to help him, nothing more. Some people just aren't worth it but we're blind to see that, most of the time.

Before doing anything, I wanted to know what kept him here. He could hit the road right after dropping his friend off. Whatever his job was, it couldn't be just left alone like that. He was so mysterious yet somehow so reassuring that I couldn't help but be drawn closer towards him. I don't know what kind of power it was, dragging me closer, but it was stronger than I.

I was born to help people in any way possible and here it was, one of those cases where I could fulfil not only my dream but also my quest given to me by God Himself.

Whatever they went through together seemingly didn't bother my brother and thus, he also didn't see Toni's caring. Actually, now that I thought about it more, I was doing them both a favour. I was about to end something that would only resolve in more pain if not stopped.

I smiled, a happy feeling turning into warmth that spread across my body. All I needed to do was to spend more time with the Spaniard to know more about both him and my brother and that way, with all needed information, I could make a plan and save him.

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