Capítulo 9 (nueve)

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That's how I imagine the Wolf that is torturing Roma, a.k.a his mental illness. (up above)


Romano's PoV:

'Fuck this weather, fuck that Spanish Bastard and fuck my whole life!'

I groaned for the millionth time that day. You see, we've been riding the poor animals 'till their limits, (ours, too), for the past three days.

When we set out from our last stop 72 hours ago, Antonio has said it would've taken us only four-five days 'till we got to Austria. But no. No, dear God, no. We happened to get lost on the second day. Of course, all the blame went to our great captain but no-one dared to even peep in.

The weather has had changed a lot from when we were in the mountains; grey clouds began to spread across the sky, wind blowing into our backs as we carried on and on into infinity. And, as I was less than used to this kind of setting, my body often ached and my throbbing throat was giving me a hard time as well. My nose also began to be stuffed with unpleasant snot as my ears hurt and my joints were complaining, driving me completely insane for it was annoying to move with all this discomfit surrounding me.

No matter what, I haven't had told the Spaniard about this; only one time did I let it slip when I received a coughing attack, my lungs being on fire and not letting me take in any of the air around me. To my surprise, his eyes were filled with anguish as he asked how I felt and despite my answer of being fine was given his coat but not like before, when I had to return it; this time, he let me have it all to myself.

Even now, when one of the earth elements was dancing around, as if playing like a small child, the thick piece of clothing rested on my body. The sleeves were, logically, too long and it was too large for me in general but the thought of him being actually worried about me, comforted me in the weirdest way possible.

I tugged at the corners of it, squeezing it closer to my frame as the aggressive breeze tortured my already weak self. As much as I hated to admit it, with every day coming and passing, I fell deeper and deeper into this sickness of mine. Day by day, I began to lose strength, will to eat, sleep and God knows what else.

'You're so weak; you're disgustingly pathetic.' A sweet voice inside of me whispered. My heart skipped a beat as it turned into a black beast, red eyes glowing and piercing right through me. I tried to shoo it away but it only grew bigger and growled inside of my mind. Then, I gave a physical shaking a shot as if it would have had fallen out but was still there, standing firmly and proudly, snow-like fangs cutting deep into the whiteness of my soul.

'See? You can't even beat the intruder of your own mind. You should probably just kill yourself, you know?' It all but laid down, its big, fluffy tail swishing around. 'Go fuck yourself, whoever the hell you are,' I scoffed out and rolled my eyes unintentionally. Its voice sparkled around, reflecting itself from my white walls; 'Don't forget I'm you.'

Okay, at that moment, I could've sworn I've never been so confused in my whole life. It all just didn't make sense; I must've gone crazy from all the changes that happened in the past month. 'If that's what you think,' it said, teeth flashing as it gave out a long yawn. 'Oh my God--'

My thoughts were interrupted by a firm, deep voice calling at me, asking something but I couldn't make out what it said. "Are you alright, Roma?" Antonio slowed his horse down, so he galloped side-by-side with mine. I gaped at him for a few seconds before I finally realised what he said. "Your face is all red; don't you feel sick?" There was visible worry in his voice, awaking fires of the same emotion in his beautiful eyes.

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