Capítulo 32 (treinta y dos)

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And the door was shut behind the young Italian boy. His face was a mixture of surprise and fear and it seemed that dropping everything on him so soon after his arrival was not such a great idea after all. However, it would've been troubling to explain who was the lookalike walking around. Feliciano was already taken aback by Toni, so I felt uneasy about the whole family reunion.

He was suspicious about the Spaniard, like he knew something was up with him. If he were to find out who he was...he would, sooner or later. And I bet he'll ask his brother where he's been to all the time and that poor boy can't just say that he was kidnapped, later on sold and was brought up by pirates. Just what did we bring upon us? Problem over another problem. At least our lives were spiced up.

It's not like I didn't trust Feli but with him trusting the Church and God more than us, a problem could arise. Even though the Bible said God loved all of his children, regardless of what they've done, people often blamed others in the name of the Father. Just how many wars have there been in the name of God. Religion was only an excuse for others to slaughter and take over other countries. It was also an excuse for men to treat women and children like objects, not living creatures with feelings and needs.

Yes, children needed guidance but only to a certain age; they also needed to learn from their mistakes. However, treating women, adult people, like that was hardly acceptable. And people only took out the harsh words about women from the Bible. Why not also point out the fact that men also ought to trust, respect and love their wives? Not only be their masters? Hell, they shouldn't be their masters; people should marry out of love and in love, there is no-one to submit and dominate. People are all equal exactly because of love; we've all felt it at some point and plus, aren't all humans the same foolish, prideful, greedy animals?

As I was saying, with Feliciano trusting God more than the people around him, Toni ought to be careful. In everything; careful in watching what he's saying about his past, though I'm not really worried about that. Rather than that, I'm worried about him and Roma. If they were to be caught by one of the servants, be it – Roderich could always threaten them by making them lose their job. Only to threaten them, nothing more; he wouldn't actually fire them – I'd keep an eye on that.

However, Feliciano. My dear Feliciano, the things they've put into your head, not letting you see anything else but blindly follow what God said. It'd be worse than Roderich – I could always talk with the Austrian and get him to at least respect it – but this boy, the only right thing for him was God's word.

With the young man's arrival, everything would get dangerous. Hell, even Roderich and I couldn't show affection towards each other; he'd always utter something. Only if he knew, adults are different than children in these things. They know desire is stronger than judging words from others. After all, we are all driven by a certain kind of desire; either to achieve something or someone.

"That boy seemed a bit off afterwards," Toni broke the silence, finally straightening up and taking a few steps away from the bookshelf. Roderich huffed at that, folding his hands atop his desk. "Well, I don't know, Antonio, do you usually get back home and suddenly find out you have a long-lost brother waiting for you?" His point-out came out sarcastic and harsh. Antonio cringed at that, giving the man with glasses a glare before making an irritated sound and folding his hands over his chest.

"Do you think it was a good idea after all?" I broke into their conversation, giving both men concerned look. Toni switched his weight from one leg to another, his hands coming to rest onto his hips. "We needed to tell him at some point; what if he saw Roma one day? They look exactly the same, well, except of that weird curl." Roderich only nodded. I sighed at those two; if there was one thing they had in common it was honesty, brutal honesty.

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