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Recap from the last chapter:

"Tomorrow, I will tell you everything, about Arcobaleno and those power you guys possessed,"said Reborn.


Kou: *fidgets nervously*....hello, dear reader-san. My name is Kou and I'm here to apologize about my delay in updating for almost a year and a half. It's –

Reborn: you had guts to show your face here, no-good Kou... I'm sure you're prepared to see what hellish punishment I prepared for you... *smirk dangerously*

Kou: L-Listen to me, first!

Tsu: R-Reborn, calm down and let Kou explained...

Reborn: shut it, you Dame Tsuna. Go back to your training. Now, let's get your punishment started, shall we, dear author-san?

Kou: *ran away as fast as she can* I'm so sorry!!!!

Tsuna: *sigh* anyways, you folks enjoy the stories and please forgive Kou-san. If there any mistake with grammars or words, kindly point it out cause Kou haven't wrote for so long so the skill may be rusted a little....


Time: Early morning, the next day

Tsuna and his friends couldn't really sleep last night. They really couldn't help it when they recalled back what Reborn had said to them. They couldn't help but wondered if the news that Reborn going to tell them today really going to change their life forever or was it a news or secrets that they really want to know.

That why today, those 10 children already seated in the living room waiting for the one person who know the secret about their powers appeared and break the news to them. As if knowing what awaits, the said person walked out of his room and looked at their direction.

"Oh, you guys up early. Any occasion?" asked Reborn, acting as if he didn't know anything and walk to the kitchen. "What's for breakfast today, Ryohei?"

"Bread with butter spread, sensei," answered Ryohei. Reborn nodded before proceed to make a cup of hot coffee for himself and eat a slice of bread with it.

After finishing his breakfast, he took his seat on the couch and look at every single children present in the same space as him. There is Tsuna, staring into nothingness, he wondered what's going on in his head, Kyoya who seem to be trying hard to bite every single one of them to death for crowding, Mukuro who was talking about something with the three kids that look like his gangs, Yamamoto with a smile in his face, Hayato who scowled, probably irritated to see that stupid look on Yamamoto. Lastly, Ryohei and Lampo which the latter throwing punchs at Ryohei's palm and he seem unfazed by it. But being Reborn, he knew thar was just a fake front they put so it won't show on their face.

Reborn cleared his throat. "Shall we start?" and he managed to grab their attention when all of them turn toward him in full attention.

"Now, where shall we begin?"

"Sensei, you never told us about your origin. Amongst us, Lampo and I were the one stay with you the longest to the extreme!"

"I'm an Arcobaleno,"said Reborn look at his palm.

"What is Arcobaleno actually? Are they're humans or demons?" asked Tsuna.

"Before I become an Arcobaleno, I was a human. Before I was selected as Arcobaleno, I had to complete a life-or-death mission with my other teammates. I was the Sun Flame user, the same as Ryohei which had the power of cell activation,"

Am I a human or...?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя