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edited by: SainSaavy .... thank you for your hard work ^^


Tsuna choked back tears at the sight of the five boys and one girl laying injured or sick on compiled futons in living room. Ken and Chikusa had an accumulation of lacerations and welts along with shallow lacerations across their bodies. Hibari was in similar condition, though the lacerations seemed to be deeper and closer to vital points. They kept groaning in pain (though Hibari's version of groaning was reminiscent of hissing). Yamamoto was still wheezing and periodically coughing up blood. At the same time, Mukuro and Chrome were being attacked by high fevers and from the way that both of them kept clawing at their chests, it was probably something really bad. He had to constantly keep changing the icy wet towels on their forehead, though that seemed to not help, as after a few seconds the water would evaporate with the absurdly high temperature that they were both emitting.
He felt so defeated. (Why did it seem that everything he held dear got injured, sick, or killed?!) He took a few steps back before letting the tears fall. For once since his mother's murder, he allowed himself to collapse, to cry, to hurt. He circled his arms around his legs and buried his face into his knees with no shame as he fell apart.
"I don't think I can do this anymore Mama... I'm not strong enough, I never was." Tsuna sobbed. He jolts when he feels someone touch his hands. It was warm, calming, soothing (it almost felt like it was a forced calm).
"Tsuna, you'll be able to go on." Yamamoto's hoarse voice invaded Tsuna's senses. He tried to erase Tsuna's self depreciation with soothing words and his own naturally calming disposition.

"You're just looking at strength in the wrong way. You look at it as something that always have, but strength isn't like that. Our life is like molasses, it'll slow us down, it'll tire our legs. We'll walk slowly because it's hard to move. But the thing is, we'll run when we need to. You'll run to the people who you want to help no matter how much everything else is trying to slow you down. You've already done that for us, you've already proved that you are strong enough to move -to run- at a moment's notice. You are strong." Yamamoto continued before his sickness knocked him out, all his energy gone after he encouraged Tsunayoshi. It really took all his energy to speak a few words.

Wiping his tears, Tsuna stepped out of the formerly abandoned house. He would do whatever necessary to buy medicine for his dear friends.
~Time Skip~
"The medicine is so expensive. How am I gonna afford this?" Tsuna whispered while looking at the list of prices of the medicine hanging on the pharmacy wall. Sighing in defeat, Tsuna started to walk off with a heavy heart.
"Someone, stop that boy!" Doctors yelled loudly, storming out of the pharmacy with dark looks on their faces. The boy (who for some odd reason was smiling broadly) and Tsuna exchanged a short look before the smiling boy shoved the bag of medicine (at least that's what the shorter boy hopes it is) into Tsuna's small hands.

 "Here! Take it and cure your EXTREME friends!" The exuberant boy yelled, all the while jumping from the ground to the roof (Oh Kami- how did he do that?!). Tsuna blinked a few times trying to gather his completely frazzled nerves (did he have some kind of sign on him that said "randomly pop up and mess with my life"? This couldn't be a normal everyday occurrence-. No matter what the whispers were saying).

Tsuna was forcefully pulled away from his thoughts by a muscled hand coming down to clamp onto his wrist with bruising strength. Tsuna's doe brown eyes slowly trailed the arm's length until it stopped on the face of a muscular (extremely scary!) doctor, and-! (He's glaring at me! Hieeeee!)
"So, you're his friend?!" The burly doctor growled angrily before squeezing the wrist in his grip. The older man's eyes darkened in anger.

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