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Hibari was currently alone, collecting the cardboards and plastic bottles to sell to get some money to buy foods and medicine for Yamamoto. He was suffering high fever and needed medicine immediately.

He rested a bit before sipped on the plain water he brought from home and bite on a slice of bread that Tsuna gave to him.

"Help! Someone stealing my money," cried a woman for help. Just after that, Hibari saw a flash of blue hair passed in front of him. At first, Hibari just want to ignore it because it wasn't his business. But, when he caught sight of the boy carrying handbag, he knows that the boy is the thief.


Tsuna pulled the blanket and covered Yamamoto's shivering body. He compressed the wet cloth on Yamamoto's forehead. Finally decided they can't leave the sick boy alone in a hut, Tsuna and Hibari decided to take him home with them.

"W-water," whispered Yamamoto in hoarse voice.

"You want water? I'll get it," said Tsuna before quickly go to the kitchen to get warm water that he boiled hours ago. Slowly, he helped Yamamoto to sit up before allowing him to drink sip by sip of the water.

"Feeling better?" asked Tsuna in worry. Yamamoto nodded slightly and Tsuna carefully help him to lie down slowly on the futon.

"Where's Jirou?" asked Yamamoto for his missing dog. Tsuna was shock on how to answer that question without shocking the sick boy.

"He's fine. Don't worry," said Tsuna nervously. Yamamoto nodded before he drifted back to sleep. Tsuna continued to stare at feverish Yamamoto.

"Why do you have that flame power that only the demon possessed?" asked Tsuna. Later, he could hear rushing knock at the front door. Slowly, he made his way to the front door. Just the moment he opened the door, two kids was shoved inside. Standing outside, was a young girl, trying to catch her breath. Then, the girl turned to look at Tsuna with pleading eyes.

"Please take care of them," pleaded the girl. Tsuna looked at the two boys who looked up at the girl in tear.

"No, please Nagi-sama. Don't leave us here," cried the blonde boy.

"I'm sorry," said the girl before grabbed the doorknob and closed it loudly.

"No! Nagi-sama, please open the door!" cried both of the boy tried to open the door but the doorknob won't budge. Soon after, they heard a girl shriek in fear before silence engulfed them.

"You! Why did you open the door, huh?" yelled the blonde boy in anger before moved and grabbed Tsuna's neck and tried to suffocate him. Another boy watched his friend in shock before tried to pull the blonde boy's hand off Tsuna.

"Ken, you're gonna kill him," yelled the dark blue haired boy.

"Let him die," yelled him in pain, tightening his hold. Tsuna's vision almost turned black when the boy suddenly released his hold. Tsuna opened his eyes and saw Yamamoto standing in front of him.

"Ungrateful bastard," shouted Yamamoto and punched the boy's cheek.

"You tried to kill my friend?" Yamamoto kicked the boy. "I'll kill you first before you kill him," Yamamoto punched the boy's chest that caused the boy to cough violently.

"Yamamoto," whispered Tsuna, finally able to move from his previous spot.

"Please stop your friend. He gonna killed Ken," pleaded the dark blue haired boy. Tsuna turned to look at Yamamoto and was shocked to see Yamamoto raised his hand and tried to punch Ken right on his head.

"Please stop, Yamamoto," Tsuna quickly hold Yamamoto's arm. Yamamoto turned to look at Tsuna and saw that Tsuna's eyes welled up with tears.

"I promised to protect them and I don't want to see anyone getting killed once again," cried Tsuna when he remember Nana's cold hand that he last held months ago.

"Me too. I don't want to lose my precious person again," said Yamamoto sadly, lowering his arm.

"Tou-san alone was enough," whispered Yamamoto, before he fainted in exhaustion.


"Nagi, Ken, Chikusa, I brought you food. Come out now," shouted Mukuro, while carrying bag of foods.

"Or the food that you buy with the money you steal?" a voice sounded from behind him. Alerted, Mukuro grabbed a shard of broken window before throw it toward Hibari. Hibari was a second late in avoiding the shard and the shard cut his cheek and few strand of his hair. Hibari touched his cheek and saw his blood and clicked his tongue in anger.

Mukuro continued to run to his hiding places and was surprised to see the small house made of cardboard was destroyed. He frantically tried to search for his friends when he feel killing intent behind him. Just the moment he turned to look, he quickly ducks his head when he saw a flying tonfa aiming directly at his head.

"Oya,oya, you have a strong arm," chuckled Mukuro darkly and saw Hibari looking at him murderously.

"I don't need your comment," Hibari run toward Mukuro, readying his weapon to strike at Mukuro. Mukuro also readying his weapon secretly to strike at Hibari when he was close enough. Hibari moved swiftly and appeared in front of Mukuro. Mukuro was surprised when he saw how quickly Hibari moved from one place to another. He knows that he unable to block Hibari's attack when he saw the tonfa descend to hit him.

"Hibari-san," shouted a voice and Mukuro could feel someone throw his body to get him away from the boy named Hibari. Mukuro opened his eyes and saw Ken hugging him tightly. And he saw a petite brunette boy running toward him.

"Are you okay? I apologize for Hibari's action," asked the boy in worried before he turned to glare at Hibari.

"Hibari-san, apologize," said the boy.

"It's not my fault," argued Hibari in denial.

"Your fault or not, I see you're the one started the fight. Now, apologize or no dinner for you," threatened Tsuna. Mukuro tried to stifle his laugh when he saw Hibari flinched a bit.

"Sorry," whispered Hibari before grabbed Tsuna's wrist tried to take him away from the dump.

"Ah, wait Hibari-san," said Tsuna and Hibari stopped his walk. Tsuna turned to look at the blonde boy.

"Ken-kun, make sure you come home, alright? Take Mukuro with you too, okay?" smiled Tsuna. Ken nodded shyly while Mukuro looked at the smiling boy in question. Hibari quickly grabbed Tsuna's shoulder.

"What did you say, Tsuna?" asked Hibari for a second time, for a confirmation.

"They gonna stay with us from now on. Isn't it fun, Hibari-san?" smiled Tsuna, answering Hibari's question innocently. But, it different for Hibari, he was shocked with Tsuna's decision.



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