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(I'm really going through it friends very sorry about making you all wait so long but here you go.... also I don't know who needs to hear this but stay alive frens <3)

Your nerves were skyrocketing. You sat next to Kylo on the shuttle, hands shaking as you picked at your nails. You didn't know why you were nervous but you also couldn't stop it. You had never met the Supreme Leader but from what you knew about Kylo's past and whispers you had heard, you knew he was not a happy ray of sunshine. Of course, you had never expected him to be, but you hoped he would at least sane. Kylo kept his eyes on the glass in front of him but would occasionally give instructions about what was to come. You couldn't decide if his words were meant to benefit you or him.

"You have to control your anger. Snoke will try to get a rise out of you... don't let him."

You flattened your shirt and smoothed over your pants, trying to distract yourself from the anxiety radiating throughout the ship.

"Keep your mind blank. He will use your thoughts against you."

"Don't react if he brings up your past. It's history and it will stay that way."

"Be agreeable even when he insults you."

"It's going to be okay, this is not a big deal. I'm sure this will just be a small meet-and-greet."

"Not a big deal..."

His sentences went in one of your ears and out the other as you nodded in agreement with what he said. Kylo's careless attitude left him slowly as he flew further away from the Finalizer. His shoulders hunched up and he looked like he might have to hide at a moment's notice. You decided that anyone who made Kylo so defensive did not deserve your respect.


You grabbed Kylo's hand and he turned to look at you. Your expression was calm as your eyes said what your mouth would not, it's going to be okay. His eyes darkened as he shook himself out of his disposition.

"I'm being stupid. I just don't want you to make a bad first impression. He will kill you if he doesn't think you are valuable," Kylo warned.

"Do you think I'm valuable?"

Your own question caught you by surprise but Kylo simply rolled his eyes.

"Don't be dumb. The Supreme Leader does not tolerate idiocy."

"Wow, thanks."


The shuttle exited hyperspeed and entered the proximity to a star destroyer identical to the Finalizer. Kylo entered a series of numbers into the keypad and the red light at the bottom turned green, signaling your clearance to enter the hanger. Kylo landed the shuttle inside the hangar which looked exactly like the one on the Finalizer. Two groups of people dressed in all red lined the sides of the ramp, creating a pathway for you and Kylo to walk through. The mysterious soldiers marched behind you as Kylo led you down the halls until you came upon a set of large double doors. Kylo took a quick breath before reaching for the handle and pulling the doors open. You walked into what seemed to be a throne room with a large man sitting on the throne. He had pinkish skin with a circular face and a wrinkled forehead. His size made Kylo look like a dwarf and you look like an infant. The men marching behind you urged you further into the room and you took in your surroundings with curiosity.

"Well, well, well. I finally get the pleasure of meeting the woman I have heard so much about."

Your heart skipped a beat as you realized you recognized the voice of the Supreme Leader. You remembered your dreams from when you were on death's door, how he had spoken to you.

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