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Thunk. The knife you had thrown lodged itself in the middle of the target where two more knives were already clustered. Your brain felt mildly foggy and you honestly couldn't remember when you had slept last. You were too busy trying to distract yourself from your thoughts to worry about sleep. You had spent most of your time in the training room toying with the various weapons in stock and had discovered a newfound affection for throwing knives. You sunk another one into the very center and gave a small grin. You approached the target and picked the knives off the board one by one. The hairs on your neck suddenly rose and without looking you sent a knife flying across the room. You waited to hear the sound of contact but it never came. You turned to see Kylo standing across the room with a look of annoyance on his face. He had caught the knife between his thumb and forefinger. You gave him a sheepish shrug as if to say oops. You hadn't seen him since Isa's death but it was your fault for holing yourself up in the training room. Your mind was hesitant to admit that you had missed him but his shocked expression from that night had etched itself into your mind and refused to leave.

"What are you doing here," you commented evenly.

"Hux needs to talk to us," he replied.

"Whatever he needs he can tell you. I don't care."

"It wasn't a request," he spoke your name with determination and took a long step so he was towering over you.

You kept a look of indifference on your face. "Like I said, I don't care."

You turned and walked away from him, towards the target on the wall. Kylo moved so fast you didn't have time to defend yourself. He reached out and grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you around to face him, all in one swift motion. You gaped at him in shocked surprise as he pointed the knife to your chest.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you," he commanded.

You wiped the dumbfounded expression off your face. "What are you going to do about it?" You taunted him carelessly.

Kylo lightly traced the knife over your exposed chest before pushing the blade onto your neck. You froze, afraid that if you moved even a millimeter the sharp knife would cut into your skin.

"I'm not in the mood for your disobedient behavior today," he growled your name.

You pasted an innocent look on your face. "Disobedient? Me? Oh no, I am the perfect picture of an obedient wife." Sarcasm flowed through your words.

Kylo relaxed his grip on you and you took the opportunity to duck away from the knife against your neck. You pulled away and grabbed a knife from the rack defensively. You pointed it at him and took a challenging stance.

Kylo rolled his eyes at your guarded stature. "You can't beat me," he smirked.

Your expression hardened. "Why not? Because I am a woman? I'm willing to bet I can beat you."

Kylo began to circle and you mirrored his motions, following his every footstep.

"I'll take that bet," he replied. "If I win... you have to go take a shower."

You gave Kylo an evil grin. "If I win, you have to join me."


Kylo lunged forward, trying to swipe the knife across your chest but you ducked, watching as the blade hissed by, only millimeters from your nose. You lunged at his torso but Kylo used his other hand to swat your arm down to your side. Every time Kylo would come at you, you would deflect the attacks, trying to tire him out so you could catch him off guard. You took notice of his aggressive tactics and planned the best possible counter-attack. Kylo swung at you but was out of range so you took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach. Kylo grunted but recovered quickly, grabbing your leg and pulling you off your feet and onto the floor. He quickly got on top of you, using one arm to pin down your hands and the other hand to point the knife at your neck.

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