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You sat at your vanity trying to cover up the red marks lining your neck and collarbone. You heard a knock at your door and you rushed to open it quickly, pulling Isa inside and closing the door behind her. 

"Is Lenna coming?"

"Yes your Majesty she will be here in a few minutes."

"Ok good we have to cover these up before she sends me to an early grave." You moved your hair so she could see the red and purple marks lining your chest.

She gasped. "Did you..."

Your face turned red and she giggled.

"Just help me cover them up," you pleaded.

She set to work covering your neck in layers of color corrector and concealer.

"So are we going to be expecting any princes or princesses any time soon?"

You shuddered at the idea of chikdren. "Oh no that will never be an issue."

She paused to look in your eyes through the mirror. "What do you mean?"

You looked away, slightly embarrassed. You'd never told anyone about this secret before. But you trusted Isa.

"It's a royal tradition to have our tubes tied at a young age. It prevents us from having any major scandals. We are supposed to have our children via surrogate."

She nodded understandingly and you sighed, "plus I don't think Kylo would be a good father. He's too chaotic."

At that moment Lenna entered, responding to your comment as she walked through the door, "men always are."

Isa began to comb your messy hair in attempts to hide what you both had been doing. "So where is the man of the hour?"

You rolled your eyes. "He is convinced that there are Sith texts hidden on Malachor somewhere."

"Sith texts?" Lenna asked.

"Yes like prophecies and stuff."

"Sounds like a load of bullshit to me," Lenna remarked.

Isa had been quiet for a second but spoke up tentatively. "Your Majesty, if you umm..." you could tell Isa was nervous to ask you the question on her lips. "Adira. She was... responsible?"

The smile on your face disappeared. "Yes, Adira was a part of the plan to kill my mother."

"And you... killed her?" She whispered the last words apprehensively.

"Yes Isa, I killed her."

"Serves her right if you ask me," Lenna stated.

"That's really why I asked you both to come anyway. I will be going back to the Finalizer very soon and I may not be back for a while. Lenna I want you to stay here and take over Adira's position. I trust that you won't betray me?"

Lenna reacted as if the very idea of betraying you was a stab to the chest. "Never my Queen."

"Isa you will come back with me, understood?" 

"Yes Your Majesty."

At that moment the door to your chambers opened with a crash and Kylo Ren entered. His expression told you that something had happened.

You pursed your lips. "You are dismissed ladies."

Isa giggled and stared at your neck and back to Kylo as she left, Lenna ushering her form the room. When the door had closed you stood and walked towards Kylo.

The Tipping Point (Kylo Ren X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt