Ch.25 Second Date

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Ch.25 Second Date

~~A Few Minutes Before~~

  Rob's POV

    "Call.her.Call.her.Call.her!!!"Jerome and Mitch chanted. "Shut up!"I yelled. I didn't mean it in a bad way, but they've been telling me to call Marley for the past 30 minutes.

    "Come on dude, just call her,"Lachlan said. "You didn't even talk about a second date on your last date, did you?"Vikk asked.

    "No,"I said. I didn't really tell them much about the date, just because they would be acting like they are right now.

    "Plus, what if she rejects me?"I told them. "She won't reject you! She likes you too much. Come on. Preston tell him!"Mitch told Preston.

    Preston sat there, looking at them all. He sighed."She won't reject you, she's liked you since you guys met, just...ask her out again". We all stared at him in shock.

    "If Preston says she likes you, it's true,"Matt said. They all stared at me. "...Fine!"I gave in. I grabbed my iphone and unlocked it.

    "But I'm going to another room so you guys won't hear us,"I told them walking away.

    I pressed on Marley and then call. After a bit, she answered.

   "Hey". "Hey". "Since we didn't talk about it yesterday, I would like to know if you'd like to go on a second date,"I asked. "Yeah-of course".

    "Great. I was thinking we could go see a movie,"I suggested. I'm not the best at making dates, or even talking about them.

    "Yeah, that'd be great,"she said. I peered out of the room, seeing Mitch hiding behind a wall and what looked like Preston's shadow.

    "When would you like to go?"I asked her. "Ummm, how about tomorrow?". "Okay, I'll call you tomorrow, bye,"I told her. "Bye,"she said right before ending the call.

    I walked up to Preston and Mitch, giving a really? look. "What?!"Mitch said innocently.

  Marley's POV

    I ended the call and looked at Alisson and Jasmine. They both had huge smiles on their faces, looking they were about to burst. I smiled also, and then they started fangirling...again.

    "My OTP!!!!!!"Alisson squealed. "So, he asked you out? To where? We promise we won't go and stalk you!!"Jasmine said. I laughed at their reaction.

    "We're going to the movies. Not sure which theater so can totally not stalk me,"I joked looking at Jasmine. "I told I wouldn't,"she said. I laughed.

    "You guys should watch Ouija!!"Alisson said. "Nope the last thing I need is to be scared to death,"I told them.

~~Next Day, Afternoon~~

    I waited in my room, nervous as I was waiting for my first date with Rob. I got up and looked at my outfit, making sure I looked decent.

    I wore a black leather jacket, blue blouse, balck jeans, and a beige scarf. I grabbed my purse. I let my hair down.

(Marley's outfit: )

     "You going on a date with Rob?". I looked up and saw Preston standing at the doorway.  "Yeah, how did you-"he cut me off,"I was at his house when he called you". "Oh". "Don't think I'm going to try and make you guys separate or anything. I think you guys are... good for each other". He walked out of my room.

    I suddenly got a call from Rob. I took a deep breath and answered. "Hey, I'm outside,"he said. "Okay, I'll be right there,"I told him, then ended the call. I looked at myself in the mirror again and walked downstairs.

    I walked outside and there was Rob, standing outside holding a bouquet of light pink flowers.

    "For you,"he said. I smiled. "Thanks". He rushed over to my side and opened the car door for me. "Thank you,"I told him as I got in the car. He walked to his side and sat down in the driver's seat.

~~Time Skip to theater~~

    "So what do you want to watch?"he asked. I looked at the board that listed the movies.

    There was Mockingjay, which I already watched. And as muched as I loved it, I do not want to die from feels.

    Then there was Ouija, I already chose not to watch that.

    I kept looking;
Interstellar, Beyond The Lights.

    Then a movie that I'd wanted to see since I saw the trailer came up 'The Theory Of Everything'.

    "How about The Theory Of Everything?"I asked him. "Sure".

~~Mini Time Skip~~

    We walked in the theater with our food and stuff. We chose seats close to the back of the room.

~~Time Skip to end of movie cause I haven't seen it and I don't want spoilers~~

    The credits appeared before my watery eyes. I quickly wiped them do Rob wouldn't see. I should've known I would cry.

    I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked at Rob. He wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled.

   I sniffled. "Hey, it's ok,"he said soothingly. He kissed me, me of course kissing him back.

    We pulled away and got up. We walked out of the room, him hugging me.

    "Marley, I know we've just begun dating but will you be my girlfriend?"he asked.

    I looked at him. "I thought you'd never ask". I kissed him, then pulled away and smiled.

To the people who wanted to be in the story, I haven't forgotten you. I'll add you soon, I promise. I just need to find the right place to put you guys (:

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt