Ch.3 Old Friend and Selfies!

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Ch.3 Old Friend and Selfies!

    Marley's POV

          I grabbed my McDonald's. I wonder who this someone is. "Tell meh Puuuuuuuurston!" I commanded. "Hmmmmmm...nah!" he rubbed in my face. "You asked for it!" I said. I stole his bag of McDonald's and ran upstairs. "Marley!" Preston yelled. "Not until you tell meh!" I yelled back. Yelling is apparently the only form of communication in this house. "Fine!" Preston gave in. I walked out of my room and walked back downstairs. He tried to reach for the bag but I pulled it back."First, the info, then the food," I said. Rob was just watching us. "Is yelling the only form of communication in this house?" he asked. "Just what I was thinking!" I said. He laughed.

          "So, Purston, who is this friend of your's?" I asked holding the bag of McDonald's in the air. "Jasmine," Preston mumbled. "YAY! FINALLY!" I yelled handing him his food. Preston was blushing. "Aww Pweston and Jazzy foreva!" I yelled. I turned to Rob and noticed he didn't get any McDonald's. "Rob-a-dob-flob didn't want nothing?" I asked. "He doesn't eat McDonald's," Preston said. "Wahh?!" I yelled. "Don't ask," Preston said. Rob shrugged.

          I walked to the table in the kitchen and sat down. I ate my food while watching season 2 of Once Upon A Time on my phone. "Captain Swan Foreva!" I said. Scratch that, yelled it. "What's Captain Swan?" Rob asked. "I'm not going to explain cuz you're not a Oncer," I said. He gave me a look that probably meant What's a Oncer? "Don't ask," Preston said facepalming. "Don't judge," I said throwing away the wrapper. Rob shrugged and went back to his computer. I walked upstairs and into my room. Nothing to do. I just layer in bed, got on Spotify and pressed shuffle play of my playlist Coldplay. It was one of my favorite songs "The Scientist".

Come up too meet you

Tell you I'm sorry

Don't know how lovely you are

I hummed to the song. I only sing when no one is around, I'm very shy. After a while I got bored of just laying there, so I decided to call Jasmine. "Hey Jazz," I said. "Hey Mar, so has Preston told you?" she asked. "Told me what?"I asked acting like I didn't know what she was talking about. "That cactus!" she mumbled. "I'm kidding, he told me!" I said. "Oh... so are you ok with it?" she asked. "OK with it! Are you kidding me?! I'm already working on a ship name for you guys!" I yelled. Hmm, Jeston, Prasmine, I don't know. "Prasmine it is!"I said. She was face palming. I laughed. "Well I gotta go, talk to yuh later," she said. "Bye," I said right before she ended the call. What to do. I already uploaded 3 videos. I decided to go on Rob's faction server, just because I was bored. I read the chat.




look, TNTexplosion is on too, hi Marley

Rob is smexy!

          I laughed. After playing for a while, I heard Preston yell. I walked out the door and saw Preston playing Minecraft, with Kenny. "I. HATE. PARKCORE!!!!!" Preston yelled. "You don't, you just suck," Kenny said. "Wow, real supportive," Preston said sarcastically. I ignored him and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I looked for something to eat. Apple, nah, Regina probably poisoned it.(You're a Oncer if you get this!) I kept looking, turnover, again, Regina might have poisoned it. Waffles it is! I grabbed the toaster and the frozen waffles. I looked for the syrup, none, of course there isn't. "Preston! Ima go to the store!" I yelled. "Ok!" he yelled. I walked out the door and to then store around the corner.

          I wasn't looking where I was going, because I was playiny Flappy Bird. I accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry," I said. It was a girl, looks about my age. She has  black wavy hair with red highlights and brown eyes. She looks very familiar. "It's ok-Wait, Marley?!" she asked. "Yeah, that's my name," I said trying to figure out why she looks so familiar. "It's me, Alisson, from the 6th grade!"she said. " Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!"I exclaimed while hugging her. Allison was one of mine and Jasmine's best friends. But in the 7th grade she had to transfer to another school because she was moving. "It's so good to see you!" she said. "It's good to see you too!"I said.

          We walked to the store. " So anyone special in your life?"I asked. "Yeah, a guy named Tyler Christie, or if you play Minecraft, MunchingBrotato," she said with her hands in her pockets. "No way!" I yelled, maybe a little too loud. We got a few looks, some probably meaning, she crazy? or she's probably high? . Alison laughed,"Yup". "So your in love with a Canadian," I stated. "Pretty much, anyone special in your life?" she asked as I grabbed the syrup. I froze. "Not so sure," I said as I paid for the syrup. "Oh come on! Who is it?" she asked as we walked out the store doors. "I'm not so sure if it's just a silly, short lasting crush or actually love. I mean, I just met him a few days ago- well, technically I've known him for like a year," I said. "You're sorta confused me," she said. I sighed,"It's Woofless...". "Oh," she simply said. "Well, I gotta get home quick 'cause you know Preston, he can be a bit too overprotective," I said. "Ok, here," she said handing me a small piece of paper,"Skype me later!"she said. "K, bye!" I said. She waved. I walked home.

          "Preston, I'm back!" I yelled. "Preston went to Jasmine's house," I heard. I saw Rob, sitting on the couch, using his phone. "Oh," I said. I quickly made my waffles. "You want some?" I asked Rob. "Nah, I'm fine," he said. "K," I said. After like 4 minutes of waiting, the waffles were done. I walked upstairs and happily ate my waffles. I opened my laptop and opened Netflix. I feel like watching something new. "American Horror Story", why not?

~~After a few minutes~~

          " What the fuck?! Yeah, this is to gross, not watching it!"I yelled as I closed my laptop. Lost my appetite. Why? Well, let's just say at one point the dad was, making love with his hands. (For those of you that haven't already watched American Horror Story, don't watch it, very disturbing) I walked back downstairs and threw away what was left of my waffles. They just had to show that scene. "Lost your appetite?" Rob asked. "Very disturbing scene in American Horror Story," I said. He laughed. I sat down on the couch, not exactly next to him but not far from him. "Selfie?" I asked. "Sure," he asked. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I pointed the camera so that it would show both of us. Rob did a derpy face, I just stuck my tongue out. I took the picture. He grabbed his phone and we took another selfie, except in this one I put bunny ears on him and he did a weird face, cannot describe it. I post it on my Twitter as Rob posts the one he took on Twitter.

          We almost instantly got like a million notifications. Retweets, favorites, etc. I read some of them.

Where's the cactus?



New couple?

The look on Rob's face thoe

There were a lot more, but most of them were similar to those. "Home!" I heard.Me and Rob looked up from our phones. It was Preston. He looked at his phone. "WooflessExplosion?" he asked. "We didn't say nothing, the fans did," I said. Rob nodded. Preston shrugged. "So, how's the Prasmine doing?" I asked. Preston laughed. "You came up with a ship name already ?!" he asked. "Like always," I said. "We're good," he said. He sat down next to me and we all watched Criminal Minds.

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat