Ch.34 Goodbye

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Ch.34 Goodbye

~~Next Day~~

Marley's POV

I opened my eyes to the sound of a phone ringing. I groaned, rolling over to see if it was mine.

Yup, it's mine. And guess who's calling me

You guessed it, it's Preston. "Who is it?"Rob groaned sleepily.

"Preston, just go back to sleep,"I told him. He shrugged and went back to sleep.

I carefully got up, trying not to disturb him. Luckily, he didn't wame up again.

I hurried out of the room, but not before I saw Mob running over to me. Crap. I walked into the kitchen and locked the door behind me, unable to hear the barks of Mob.

I answered the phone call, only to be surprised by a yelling Preston. "What took you so long to answer?! I was getting worried!"he said.

"Preston, calm.down. I barely woke up and you know how lazy I am,"I said. "Ok then, I'll check on you later,"he said. "Ok then, bye-"he cut me off,"Oh and can you call Rob and tell is Mitch and Lachlan are coming back for today only? Yeah, thanks, bye". Then he ended the call.

Well, that was not worth waking up at... 10:57 in the morning.

I walked back to Rob's room, where he was already up. "Preston called to tell me to tell you that Mitch and Lachlan are coming back for today only,"he said. "Did he say why?"he asked. I shook my head no.

~~Time Skip~~

"You sure you don't want to come in?"I asked im, standing at the foot of the doorstep to my house. Rob was nice enough to drive me back home after we ate breakfast.

"It's fine. I need to record anyways so...".  "Ok, bye then". We hugged, then I pecked him on the cheek. He blushed then walked back to his car.

I closed the door behind me, quickly running upstairs to change my clothes. I already took a shower at Rob's so I don't have to worry sbout that right now.

As soon as I changed into a black shirt, a beige skinny jeans, a long white sweater, and my black converse, I ran downstairs into the kitchen.

Who cares if I just ate, I'm starving. I opened the fridge, to see it full. I grabbed the full jar of Nutella and a spoon, then sat down on the couch.

Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz. I groaned, walking over to where it was charging and unlocked it. Alisson sent me a text.
'Please come over, me and Tyler have some news. You can invite Rob if you want, just please be here by 4:00pm'

I looked at the clock, 3:41pm

I clicked on Rob's number, then texted him ' Alisson wants us over at her house, ASAP '

Almost instantly, he texted me back. 'Ok, I'll come over to your house'. Rob has never been to Alisson and Tyler's place, so meeting him there wouldn't be an option.

I put on my contacts then walked out, locking the door behind me. I stood on the stone pathway, waiting for Rob.

A few minutes later, Rob's car appeared. The car stopped, then I got in. "Hey". "Hi". "So, since I don't know where Alisson lives, you might have to drive. You do know how to drive, right?"he asked me. I nodded, then we switched seats.

As I drove, Rob looked worried about ne driving. "Rob, just because Preston won't let me drive, it doesn't mean I don't know how to,"I told him. "I know".

Soon, we got to Alisson's house. We saw Mitch, Lachlan, and a girl getting out of a taxi as Rob and I got out the car. "Hey guys, rhis is my girlfriend Crystal,"Lachlan said. We all greeted each other then went inside.

Alisson and Tyler were sitting on the couch, Tyler hugging Alisson. "Hey guys". We looked over at the kitchen to see Crystal, Katelyn, Jerome, Jasmine,and Preston. "What the hell are you guys doing here?"I asked Jasmine and Preston. "When Alisson told us the news, we had to come back, even if is just for today".

"News? What news?". We heard the door open. We all looked to see who it was. As soon as I saw, I looked over at Mitch, who looked like he might kill someone.

It was SkyDoesMinecraft and Deadlox, who, to be honest, were my idols. But if I were to ever say that to Mitch, he'd probably kill me.

"What the hell is he doing here?"Adam asked furiously. "Yeah, had I known this jack-ass would be here I wouldn't have even thought of coming,"Mitch yelled. "Fuck this, I'm leaving,"Adam grumbled, turning around.

That's when Alisson bursted. "THIS ISN'T ABOT YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS STILL FIGHT AND YOU GUYS CAN'T EVEN BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS EACH OTHER WITHOUT TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!". She stayed quiet for a moment, realized she was yelling. "So, I beg you, please act like decent people. You don't even have to act like friends,".

Adam turned around, simply nodding. Mitch, who was looking at the ground, also nodded. "So, what's the news?"Jerome asked awkwardly, standing next to Crystal. They were holding hands, and not as a friendly gesture. I ignored this, turning back to Tyler and Alisson.

Just when Tyler was about to speak, we heard the skype call ringtone comng from the computer. Alisson quickly answered it to see that it was Matt, Celeste, Vikk, and another girl.

"Hey guys! Uh-"They stopped talking at the sight of Adam and Ty. Tyler gave them a just ignore it look. "Oh, this is my fiance, Lily,"Vikk said, as Lily waved. She whispered something in too Vikk's ear, then walked away with Celeste.

"Ok, so now what's the news?"Ty asked. Honestly, there were so many people here it made me uncomfortable. Rob put his arm around me, as if he had known how I was feeling.

"Well, Alisson's pregnant". There wa a silence in the room, then everyone started congratulating them. I smiled. "And because of the baby...."Tyler looked at Alisson. "We're moving to Canada".

Those words hit me like a bullet. She went away in my 6th grade year, and now she's leaving again. "We feel like it will be a calmer environment for the child".

"But we'll still skype and call you guys,"Alisson said, giving a small smile. "Well, if you feels it's for the best, we all support you guys,"Preston said. "And to avoid crying, we bought champagne!".

Preston gave me a look that I assume meant you better not drink not even a sip. I gave a I'm not a 3-year old look. He sighed, shrugging as he put his arm around Jasmine neck.

We all cheered, even Adam and Mitch, for Ty and Alisson.

"To friendship!". Everyone clinked their glasses and we all watched as Adam and Mitch gave each other a friendly nod.

Holy crap, most epic moment of my life.

It just hurt that I was losing my best friend again.

"So this is goodbye?"I asked Alisson. "Not for another week,"she smiled.

Honestly, I cried when I wrote this chapter. I know I'm such a wimp. Firstly, because of the fact that Alisson, who is my bff TheMCwolf had to leave. (Yes Daisy, I just said that) And secondly because of the almost fight scene between Adam and Mitch. I WANT TEAM CRAFTED BACK OR AT LEAST SETO TO BE BACK ON YOUTUBE FOR ONE LAST VIDEO!! MY HEART, IT HURTS!!!
Ok, I'm done. Bye my jewels.

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