Ch.11 A Bit Of Jealousy

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Ch.11 A Bit Of Jealousy

    Marley's POV

          I opened my eyes, realizing it was the next day. I looked at the clock, 7:00 am. I left my phone charging last night, great. I grabbed it, even though it was overheated, and clicked on YouTube. It's Saturday, and I always stay in my pj's on Saturday! I clicked on Smosh, because let's face it they're freaking hilarious. "If Justin Beiber wrote his songs" they're latest video was named. (I laughed so hard I fell on the floor when I watched this...) "So, wait, you think I'm a river? They're not even spelled the same!!!!!". I broke out laughing.

          "MARLEY! WAKE UP!"I heard Preston yell. I stayed silent, eating the bag of Doritos I had kept in my mini fridge. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess, like always. The door opened. It as Rob. I quickly hid my hair with a small blanket I had. "Hey dude,"I said. "Hey... Preston has a Nerf gun,"he said. I nodded ok . He walked out of he room.

          I closed the door.  I grabbed my Nerf gun. The door slowly opened. There appeared Preston with a Nerf gun. "Ok, after this, truce?"I asked. He nodded then sprayed me. "Ok, now get out,"I said shooing him out. I changed into a plain blue t shirt and yellow knee- shorts, even though it's pj day . I brushed my hair, then put it in a pony tail. I don't really like to leave my hair down, it usually gets poofy and tangled.

~~Time Skip~ 

          Mitch, Jerome, Mat, and Lachlan came over. I could here them yelling even with my headphone on full volume. I'm currently watching The Great Gatsby, the one made in 2013, not the one made in 1950.(I know the book was made in 1925, I'm not sure about the movie) "I hope she'll be a fool, that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool,"Daisy said. I've seen this movie like a million times so now I just hate her.

          I walked downstairs, as quiet as I possibly could, watching Once Upon A Time on my phone with my earphones. "It's actually you I need to talk to,"Mulan said to Aurora. First she loves Phillip, then Aurora, this is plain confusing I thought to myself. I grabbed a can of coke. I started walking upstairs, when Jerome stepped in front of me. "Hey dude,"I said as I took off one of the earphones and paused the episode. "Hey, wanna record later?"he asked. "Ok,"I said. He smiled then went back to playing GTA5 with the guys.

    Rob's POV

          "Hey wanna record later?"I heard Jerome say. "Sure,"Marley said. I'm going to admit the obvious, I'm a bit jealous. Of course she'd go with Jerome, he's closer to her age, and Jerome always gets the girls. "Be right back,"Preston said as he went into the recording room. "Don't worry buddy, I have a girlfriend,"Jerome said. Is it that obvious that I like her?


Sorry for the short chappie, I'll try to update another chappie later. Bye my jewels :)

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon