Ch.35 News

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Ch.35 News

~~2 weeks later ~~

Rob's POV

I heard my phone ring, seeing it was Preston. "Hey dude what's u-"he cut me off,"What did you do to Marley!". He sounded angry, really angry. "Nothing, why? What's wrong?".

"She locked herself in her room and won't come out,"he said. "Maybe she is still sad about Alisson leaving,"I told him. "Yeah, of course she is, but she wouldn't lock herself in her room after two weeks. It's something more than that".

"Do you want me to come over and try to speak to her?"I asked, grabbing my keys. I'm going even if he says no. "Please".

"I'll be right over".

~~Mini Time Skip~~

Once I got there, I saw Jasmine and Preston. "We've been trying to talk to her but she keeps shooing us away. Just, please, get her to open the door,"Jasmine said.

I walked up the stairs, then knocked on her bedroom door. "Marley? It's me, Rob. Please open the door".

Marley's POV

A tear ran down my cheek as I slowly got up to open the door for Rob. He was the one I really needed to talk to. He's the reason why I'm like this.


I ran my fingers through my hair. No, this isn't happening. 

My heart began to race, my hands began to sweat, I felt myself shaking. A tear ran down my cheek as I slowly began to accept reality.

I'm pregnant.

~~Flashback Over~~

I finally got the courage to look at him. God, I must have looked terrible. "What's wrong?". I stayed quiet, shutting my eyes.

" can tell me anything, you kow that, right?". I simply nodded. "Then what's wrong?". I opened ny eyes, seeing how concerned he was.

"I-I'm".I stopped talking, more tears falling from my eyes. "I'm pregnant,"I croaked. I turned away so I wouldn't see his reaction.

He was silent for a few seconds, then he got up. He is going to leave me, just like Thomas did. I closed ny eyes, wanting to die, feeling as if my reason to exist is gone.

That's when I felt his arms around me. I opened my eyes, to see him kneeling next to me. He let go of me, then put his hands on my cheeks. "We will get through this, together". He kissed me on my forehead.

I scooted over so he could lay down, which he did. We just silently laid there, feeling each other's warmth. "I love you, I always will,"he whispered into my ear. "I love you too".


We told Preston and Jasmine the news, them being as shocked as I imagine Rob was. "Wow,"Preston sighed, running his fingers through his hair. This is what scared me the most, disappointing Preston, disappointing everyone.

"Can I speak to Marley alone?"Preston asked. Jasmine and Rob nodded, heding to the kitchen. I looked at the floor. Preston got up and sat next to me.

"I'm so sorry Preston. I'm so sorry that I disappointed you,"I whispered. "Marley, you're my sister, you could never disappoint me".

"And I want you too know, I'll be there for you, and the baby. No matter what". I hugged him, sniffling.

We will get through this, I just hope this all ends well.

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin