Ch.40 Old Friend

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Ch.40 Old Friend

Marley's POV

We ran back home as quickly as possible, which wasn't very possible because of my constant sobbing.

Preston immediately became the overprotective brother. But this time it wasn't annoying, it was what I needed.

"I'm going to kill him,"Preston hissed. "Preston, don't say that".

As much as I am mad at Rob, I still love him. I won't forgive him, I don't want to and I'm not going to. But he is my first love.

I shook the thought out of my head, focusing on my moving back here. "We'll go get the stuff, just call Rob and ask him to not be home for like 10 minutes,"I asked Preston.

"Fine,"Preston mumbles. He grabs his phone and dials Rob's number. I silently wait as Preston talks to him.

"Ok". Preston doesn't bother saying bye to him, he just hanged up. Great, I ruined their friendship along with my relationship. Note the sarcasm.

"He said take as long as you want".

~~Time Skip~~

Preston decided to come anyways. He stopped his car in the driveway.

Part of me hoped he would be here. Part of me wante to forgive him and hug him and kiss him. But that is only a part of me. The rest of me never wants to be here again.

I opened the door with the spare keys he had given me. Mob very quickly ran over to me, trying to get me to lift her. I smiled as tears filled my eyes. I kneeled down to pet her one last time.

I got up and walked over to our-his room. We quickly gathered my stuff, shoving it into Preston's car.

~~Time Skip~~

"Done". All my stuff was in my room, just like before.

Hi, I'm Robert,"he said. Of course, Rob, woofless.

"As in, Rob-a-dob-flob-can't-get-a-job?"I asked. He chuckeled. "Yup, that's me".

I smiled at him. "Marley".

Tears filled my eyes as I threw myself on the bed. Am I meant to fall in love?

What I had with Thomas wasn't love, it was obsession.

And what I had with Rob was love, but it wasn't true.

So what is my fate? Am I going to end up alone and broken? Because if I am, well what is the point in anything anymore.

I sighed, because I'm finally accepting reality.

There is no point.

~~Next Day~~

"Marley! Come on! You don't even have to eat a lot, just a spoonful at least!"Preston begged. I stayed still on my bed, not wanting to answer him.

"Preston, just let me talk to her,"Jasmine said. There was a silence. "Fine,"Preston mumbled.

I heard Preston's footsteps move away. I looked at the door, seeing here were three shadows.

"If he is there, I'm definitely not opening the door,"I yelled at them. There was a silence. "It isn't Rob".

I narrowed my eyes, then slowly got up. As I opened the door, there was a sound of relief.

The third shadow wasn't Rob. It was someone I actually trusted.

"Tyler!"I shouted as I hugged him. Not Tyler a.k.a MunchingBrotato, Tyler a.k.a LogDotZip.

He smiled at me. "It's good to see you again".

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Where stories live. Discover now