Ch.20 MineCon, Day 1

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Ch.20 MineCon, Day 1

  Marley's POV

    We entered the hotel and Preston signed us in.

    Luckily, our rooms were right next to each other. Me and Jasmine are sharing a room, Rob and Matt are sharing a room, Mitch and Lachlan were sharing a room, Jerome and his girlfriend, whom we've never met, were sharing a room and Preston and Vikk were sharing a room.

    Me and Jasmine walked in our room. It wasn't small, thank god. I placed my bag on the bed on the right, while Alisson placed her bed on the left bed.

    Soon, we were finished unpacking and lazily laid down on our beds. "Just got a text from Alisson. It says her and Tyler will be here soon,"Jasmine said. "I'm betting you anything she'll burst in our room out of nowhere,"I laughed. "Yea, let's be ready". We both started laughing.

    "So, you and Rob". I looked down at the floor, feeling myself blushing. "You guys were so cute. Watching Once Upon A Time together and cuddling while sleeping!"she squealed.

    "Shut up!"I hushed her,"Rob and Matt are next door". They got the room next to us.

   "Oh yeah-sorry. Anyways, tell meh everything!"she whisper/shouted. "Everything about what?".

    "Do you think he likes you?". I sighed. "He'd never like me, even I know that".

    Jasmine stayed silent. "Maybe, he's thinking the same thing. That you don't like him, and that's why it seems like he doesn't like you".

    I looked at her. "No I don't think-just forget I said anything,"I said. I remembered my nightmare.

~~Next Day~~

    I put on a a black and white button down shirt, a black plain t-shirt under it, black skinny jeans, and white converse.

    All of us met up outside. I avoided Rob the whole time. Jerome started walking outside with his girlfriend. I immediately recognized her.

    "Natalie?". The girl who broke my leg. "Hi...". "You know each other?"Jerome asked. "Yeah, she was the one who-um-broke my leg,"I said awkwardly. Jerome gave the ohhhh look. It was quiet for a moment.

    "It's nice to see you again,"I told her. She smiled. Jerome gave a whewww look. I guess he thought I'd hate her.

    ~~Time Skip~~

    We got their early. "Let's look around!"Jasmine said. We walked around, seeing the glory. (I haven't been to MineCon so don't blame me if I get this wrong)

    All of us went in different directions with each other.

    There were booths everywhere. Most were for YouTubers. Others were just for the manufacturers.

    Me and Jasmine kept walking around and bumped into Rob, Mitch, Jerome, and Preston. "Hey Marley!"Mitch said. "Hey".

    Rob's eye met mine, then we quickly turned away.

    Jerome was giving us the awwwww look. I gave him a death stare, but he didn't care.

    It was awkward for a moment, then Jamsine broke the silence. "Look at the time, people should be coming in soon. We should get back to our booth".

    So we walked back. Preston immediately walked over to Jasmime, being the two lovebirds they are.

    "Hey". It was Rob. "Hey,"I said awkwardly. "So...we haven't really talked since we were on the plane,"he said, kicking a pebble that was on the ground. I stayed silent, not really knowing what to say.

    "I-uh-noticed that you were crying..."he looked up at me,"Why?". I looked up, but didn't face him. "I-I would rather not talk about it". He nodded and we stayed silent until we got to our booth.

    People rapidly came in, so many fangirls. Soon, each booth was crowded.

~~Time Skip~~

    I was getting tired. I looked at my watch, it's going to close in about 15 minutes. The last person in the line stepped forward. The others were already packing.

    She handed me a paper, fan art I assume she made,to sign."Hi, and who do I make this out too?". "Kaylee,"the girl said. She looked around 13.

    I signed it, then she spoke. "Would you mind if we could take a picture?"she asked.  "Sure,"I smiled.

    "Can we take the picture with Rob?". I stayed silent for a moment. "Let me ask him,"I said. Rob, whom was sitting next to me, already heard. "Sure,"he said.

    We postinioned ourselves so we fit in the picture. I made a peace sign with my hand and stuck out my tongue, or 'The Miley Cyrus without the weird clothes' look. Rob just gave a goofy smile. The girl took the picture.

    She smiled brightly. "Thank you!"she chirped. "Your welcome,"we said. As the girl walked away, I caught a glimpse of her cover, a picture of Rob kissing me on the cheek, from that one selfie. Most likely a Mob shipper.

~~Time Skip~~

    We ended up back at our hotel. Just a few more days I thought.

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