Ch.15 Still Best Buddies!

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Ch.15 Still Best Buddies

~~Next Day~~

    Marley's POV

          "See you later,"Preston told Rob as I stood next to him at the doorway. I put my hands in my pockets, really sad about him moving. But I am happy that it's only two blocks away! "Bye,"I said with a fake smile. "Bye". Then, he got in his car and drove away. I quietly sighed, then started walking back up to my room. "I know you like him!"Preston sighed. He didn't sound angry, and he didn't sound like the overprotective brother he usually is either.

    Rob's POV

           I drive towards the condo, where there were moving men.

~~Time Skip~~

          After what seemed like forever, I finally got everything in place. Suddenly, I got a Skype call from Jerome, Mitch, Mat, and Vikk. "He-". "You have a crush on Marley,"they all sang in unison. "I do not!"I lied. "Yet, your turning red, you always seem to be staring at her, you guys are always flirting, it's always awkward when with you guys, when I dared you to kiss her you did it, even though Preston was mad and I didn't really think you would, "Mitch said quickly. He kept listing why he thinks I like Marley. "Have you been watching Sherlock again?!"I asked, trying to change the topic. He was quiet for a moment. "Maybe... STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE TOPIC! You like Marley". "I do not like Marley in that way,"I denied. "That's what they all say,"Jerome teased. This went on for almost an hour then they got tired and gave up.

    Marley's POV

          "Hey guys! TNTExplosion here! Today I'm going to be a Q and EH vlog. See what I did there...No- okay- lets get started! First question is from RevengeInfinity: Who do you like?". I froze, why don't I choose the questions before I start. "Ummm, I would rather not say... so I'm going to be skipping.that.question....".

~~Time Skip~~

          I got a call from Rob. "Hey Marley, I was wondering if you want to record a some Hunger Games with me!"he asked. "Sure!"I smiled.

~~Time Skip... again~~

          "You shall never find meh!"I shouted at him. There were only a few tributes left, and Rob was looking for me. "Don't think that anymore,"he said. Next thing you know, I was staring at the ReSpawn screen. "But-how?". "You hid in the worst possible spot ever,"he laughed. "Still best buddies?"he asked in his white girl voice. I laughed. "Fine".


Sorry for not updating for like 2 weeks. I've had writers block so sorry if the chappie is too short and crappy. (: P) I try to update every three days( this goes for all my stories) so yeah. That's it for now, bye my jewels :)

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz