Ch.33 Tradition

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Ch.33 Tradition

~~One Week Later~~

Marley's POV

"Ok, so are you sure you're okay staying alone?"Preston asked me hesitantly. I groaned, rolling my eyes. "For the millionth time, yes! I've been alone before, remember?!".

"Yeah, but not for an entire week,"Preston said. Jasmine and him are going camping, alone may I add. "Dude, I'm fine! Just go finish packing,"I said, pushing him towards his room.

He sighed, walking into his room and closing the door behind him. I walked back into my room and laid down on my bed. I grabbed my The Perks Of Being A Wallflower book and started reading.

Suddenly, I got a text. I set my book on the mahogany counter and grabbed my phone. I smiled, seeing it was a text from Rob.

(Bold-Rob ..... ~~ ...... Italic-Marley)

Purrston gone yet


Aww, I wanted to see you

Don't worry, I'll see you later ;)

Yeah...we've been sending flirty texts like that for the past week. Again, nothing big happened between us, yet...

~~Time Skip~~

"Bye,"I told Preston and Jasmine. "Are you completely, absolutely sure that you'll be okay?"Preston asked again. I nodded, then shooed him away. "I'll be fine, go already". Jasmine and him got in his car and drove away.

I walked back in and grabbed my phone. I called Rob. "Hey. Meet me at the park?"I asked him. "But it's getting late,"he said, sounding worried. "Come on! Please?". He sighed. "Fine, meet you there in five minutes,"he said, then I ended the call.

I grabbed my sling bag, grabbed my light beige wool sweater and walked out the door.

~~5 minutes later~~

"Hi,"I told Rob as we embraced. "Hey". He held onto my waist. I smiled, then we kissed. We pulled away, then walked to the swing sets.

We sat on the swings next to each other, holding hands, just staring into each other's eyes. "So... how's Mob?"I asked him.

Honestly, it felt really weird saying Mob, mainly because it's our ship name. But you know, whatever.

"He's okay, he misses you though,"Rob told me. I raised an eyebrow. "Why? I was at your house two days ago". "I guess he really likes you,"Rob said, looking into my eyes.

We both looked away, then stared at the sun as it began to set. "This should be a tradition". I looked at him. "What do you mean?"he. aske, looking at me. "Once a month, we should come to this park, just the two of us, and watch the sun set".

He got off the swing, holing both my hands. I smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I giggled, then our eyes locked. He pulled me closer.

I looked at his lips, forcing myself not to kiss him. I bit my lip. "You know...I don't have to go home tonight,"I told him. He smirked, holding me even closer.

~~Mini Time Skip~~

Rob kissed me fiercely, not letting me go. My arms around his neck. He pulled away. "Are you sure you are ready to do this?"he asked me. I nodded. "I love you,"he told me. "I love you too".

We made love for the first time.

-Im sorry if this was awkward for you to read but, to be fair...this was awkard for me to write. (:P)

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