XXXII- team building

Start from the beginning

Overall for (Y/n) the activity seemed to go pretty smoothly... Or at least more smoothly than what (Y/n) was thinking it was going go but that may be owed to the fact that they were only really working in mentor/mentee pairs.

The next activity for her group was a sort of treasure hunt that the whole group had to work on together, apparently they had to use 'teamwork' to complete it but (Y/n) was hoping she didn't need to spend too much time with Lloyd.

Her and Harvey set off in one direction together after the group decided they'd split up to finish quicker.

"Did you sleep okay last night?"

"Yeah... You know for military style bunk beds they weren't that bad." (Y/n) said as she followed the vague map they'd been given.

"I only asked because you seem a bit out of it." He clarified while pushing his glasses up his nose to take a look at the map himself. "And you're holding that sideways."

"No, I- oh... Yeah, you're right." (Y/n) turned the map around ninety degrees and they turned too. "I'm only a little tired because of climbing, Gabriel worries about me and he can be overbearing at times."

Harvey expelled some air sharply.


"You think there's any chance he's... Into you? You know that's usually the case when a protective acts that way around someone."

(Y/n) knew the answer to that question very well but wasn't inclined to answer it, Harvey was bound to fall into some kind of confrontation and then (Y/n) was doomed. Even if she told him this the outcome would likely stay the same, her best friend was unpredictable at the best of times.

"Gabriel? No way!" She forced some laughter. "Let me tell you, when you're a protective you want to keep more than just your partner safe."

"I know, but the way you talk about this-"

"It's fine! He just sees me as a mentee." She lied. "And between you and me, I think he's got something going on with someone else."

"Really?" Harvey said in a tone that sounded almost relieved. "Who?"

"I...uh... I don't know, I do... Not think they go to A.L.F.E." She said hesitantly.


"Hey! Fork in the road!" (Y/n) cut him off. "Let's split up." She proposed, desperately wanting to get out of this conversation.

"Is that a good idea? We only have one map..."

"Uh... You take it! I have great navigational skills!" (Y/n) pushed the piece of paper into (Y/n) Harvey's arms with her now clammy hands.

He winced. "... You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." She sighed. "We can meet back here in ten minutes and see if either of us find... Wait, what were we looking for again?"

The pair eventually did split up and (Y/n) released a deep breath as she distanced from her friend. She should really tell Gabriel to cool off on this whole thing before Harvey got even more suspicious.

"Is that my angel?"

She froze at the sound of a horribly familiar voice.

"It is!!" Lloyd dashed over to (Y/n) and before she could even think about getting away his arms were tightly wound around her waist in an affectionate embrace. "It has been far too long."

"Ugh, not long enough." She grumbled while trying to pull him away, it was remarkably easier to fend him off than Gabriel probably due to the poor boy's lack of muscle mass. She noted the reddened, dry and peeling skin on his hands as she pulled him away. He looked positively sickly.

"Aren't you glad we get to spend the whole week together?!" He cheered, not that phased that she had removed him off of her.

(Y/n) glanced around to see if there was anyone else around who she could use to get away, bit that would only really work if it was Wes or Harvey. Anyone else would encourage the union between her and Lloyd and Gabriel was the last person who could find out about his obsession.

"Lloyd, I need to keep looking for-"

"I'll help you." He clutched her hand with both of his tightly.

"That's... Not a good idea actually."

Lloyd didn't stop smiling, (Y/n) was so much more fearful of him now. He had this boldness that his past self had just... Lacked. Not to say he still wasn't a nervous wreck at times.

"Okay..." He looked down at the ground thoughtfully. "We can catch up later though, right?"

(Y/n) looked behind her once again. If what it took to get him to not be alone with her in an expansive forest was to devote some time to him later....

"Sure, whatever."

"Yay! I love you!" Lloyd leaned in to kiss (Y/n) but she shoved him away and walked off in the other direction.

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