Chapter 27- Cold nights in Seoul

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"With that big mouth of hers? Impossible." I replied back, making sure Haesoo wasn't looking our way.

"It would be a delight to push her off the stairs." Tzuyu adds, she had a mischievous look on her face which made me chuckle.

"Honestly, super gluing her mouth would be the best option." I whisper back, chuckling a little too loud for our own good.

"You two." A firm voice calls our attention, it was Haesoo. "Would you like to share whatever you are talking about?" her voice was mocking. I stared at Tzuyu who was staring at the senior blankly.

"We didn't say anything." Lies Chou Tzuyu without skipping a beat.

"How come I heard your little chit-chat then?" Smiles Haesoo sarcastically. "I clearly heard you guys. I am discussing things, can you not talk over me?" She stared, it seemed as if she was about to humiliate us.

"Honestly, if you were really passionate about talking then you wouldn't really hear us. We were whispering, just so you know. You know what? You're just nitpicking." Smiles Tzuyu, she stands up and grabs me by the arm too. "If you actually did your job, things would be easier. Don't you think so?" Adds Tzuyu, obviously she was right. Before the senior and the others could react, Chou Tzuyu then drags me out of the room.


"Thanks for putting me out of my misery.'' I whispered as the both of us walked inside the campus. She stared at me, and then she just shrugged. "You must be tired too, huh?" I ask her.

"Your misery is mine." She Chuckles.

"Well, thank you for that." I laugh at her. "But don't you think she's going to be pissed the next time she sees us?" I ask her.

"I can buy her and her friends." She jokingly replies.

"Jesus, I know you're rich! But I never thought you were that rich." I laugh nervously. "Please don't take me out if ever I do something bad to you." I jokingly add.

"I would never." She winked at me. "Anyway, I'm always tired, it's like I never catch a break." She chuckles as we both take refuge in a shade. We sat there and stayed silent for a while, it wasn't a problem not saying anything when I'm with her. It's as if she and I are one. It's a good thing to have her in my life.

"How have you been? Why does it feel like I don't know anything about you." I chuckle, trying to make a connection between us.

"I also feel the same way, knucklehead. It feels like I know you but I entirely don't." Tzuyu adds, stealing glances at me. "We're the youngest among the others, of all people we should be the closest." She stared.

"You are the closest to me. I mean, like, you're second to Nayeon unnie for sure." I tell her honestly.

"That's a relief." replies Tzuyu, she's smiling while looking down at her shoes.


Being inside the dormitory used to be something that's nice and peaceful, but after everything that has happened between me and Mina, the dormitory has become a suffocating place for me. Lately, I've been spending more time at cafes. I only go home at nighttime to sleep.

Sometimes I feel as if I am overreacting. Mina hasn't really said anything, it's as if me breaking the connection between us was a blessing for her. Honestly, I felt cheated and used. It's ridiculous, when I'm all by myself I feel resentful towards her. But whenever my eyes meet her at the dorms, I just soften up inside.

I think it's unfair. I wish I could at least be mad. But I can't. It's outstanding how stupid I am.

I was at a cafe in downtown Seoul, it was far away from the dorms. The further I am from my place, I feel more at peace. Going out makes me not think about her, my noisy head becomes silent for the time being and I think it's wonderful.

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