chapter 15

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Elsa POV

As dad ran through the caves I started getting flashbacks to my time as a slave..."dad let me down!" I yelled. He did "oh right sorry" I looked around. The cages were still mostly together. I ran over to a pickaxe on the floor and ran back to my dad. "He's in here" dad whispered and raised his swords in the air in readyness. I heard dread scuttling around in the darkness of the cave. "Dad what are we gonna do" "I don't know Elsa" he barely got the sentence out before the black beast leapt towards him and slashed him across the face before he could reactm dad lunged back at Dread, but he had once again vanished into the darkness. he laughed his evil robotic laugh as dead groaned in pain. "COME ON OUT RANDALL!" I holelered. "you don't stand a chance, Elsa" he reply echoed around the chamber. I was suddenly shoved to the ground from behind and looked up as he flipped over me, stopping dad from slicing his head off easily with his 6 swords. I climbed back up to my feet and got back to back with dad.. "he's too quiet, i can't hear him" dad said.  i growled and slowly turned primal and howled, my dad howled too. We howled together so loud that rocks began to fall from ceiling of the cave. I heard a crazy screech as dread fell from the roof as well, and a big boulder crushed his legs. Me and dad ran towards him as he threw 4 of his 6 swords at us. dad managed to deflect them all to the side and I smashed dread across the face with my pickaxe, he crawled away with his 4 arms, holding up 2 swords. He looked like some kind of crazy crab robot. Dad ran at him with his swords and beagn fighting as I circled around on my long werewolf arms and legs. I jumped onto dreads back and snap my jaws down on the back of his robot head. He started screeching and rushed backwards, slamming me into a wall, hard. I fell down as he lewpt on the walls and crawled up before leaping towards dad with his swords pointed out . Dad deflected his swords to the sides but dread still landed on his body and he fell onto the group. I ran towards them as dread held my dad down with 4 of his arms and then rose his sword into the air. I screamed as dad was impaled in the chest right as I tackled dread off of him. Dad screamed in pain as I tore dread to shreds. He laughed manically as I held his head in my hands and crushed it, the lights going out. I quickly picked up my dad and started my run back to the packhouse. Dad was bleeding everywhere and I was weeping.

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